使用ChartJS的legendCallback回调函数来生成自定义的图例HTML代码。该函数会接收一个参数,其中包含了图表的标签和颜色信息。示例代码如下: 代码语言:txt 复制 options: { legendCallback: function(chart) { var legendHtml = []; legendHtml.push('<ul class="custom-legend">'); for (var i = 0; i < ...
使用JavaScript将生成的图例HTML代码插入到容器元素中,示例代码如下: 代码语言:txt 复制 var legendContainer = document.getElementById('custom-legend-container'); legendContainer.innerHTML = myChart.generateLegend(); 通过以上步骤,我们可以实现自定义图例的显示方式,将图例显示在多饼图的旁边或其他位置。需要...
Hello! Thanks for this very cool library! My question is how it is possible to repeat functionality for show/hide chart for custom legend? Yes, this functionality working for charts by default. But I have to change default legend to cust...
Javascript - Inner Radius is not changed in Chart.js, I am using Chart.js I want a half doughnut chart just like the image below. Inner Radius is not changed in Chart.js (Doughnut Chart) Ask Question Asked 5 Math.PI, rotation: 1.0 * Math.PI, percentageInnerCutout: 10, legend: { di...
textString''Titletext//举例varchartInstance =newChart(ctx, {type:'line',data: data,options: {title: {display:true,text:'Custom Chart Title'} } }) 图例设置(与matlab中的legend意义相同,设置位于options.legend中) //示例varchartInstance=newChart(ctx,{type:'bar',data:data,options:{legend:{displa...
所以我想分享一下我在chartJS 3.0+中添加自定义图例的发现,该发现不赞成使用generateLegend()函数。
legend: Standard Chart.js legend options Features Google Maps integration Custom markers with configurable styles Automatic bounds fitting Responsive design Interactive tooltips Legend support Window resize handling TypeScript Support Type definitions are included in the plugin. Import the types: ...
ChartJS 创建自定义图例标签我认为问题在于您使用的通过map方法的回调返回对象的语法。作为一个对象,你...
Dataset visibility (when you show/hide a category from the legend) Radar charts Custom formatting for axis tick values Plugins we plan to support in the future: Install npm ichartjs-plugin-chart2music Repository github.com/julianna-langston/chartjs2music ...
'bottom' } }, scales: { xAxes: [{ type: "time", time: { tooltipFormat: customTooltipFormat, displayFormats: customDisplayFormats, } }, ], yAxes: [{ scaleLabel: { display: true, labelString: textoValor + " (" + unidadesValor + ")" } }] }, legend: { display: false, } } ...