#js //render chartvarctx = document.getElementById("chart_line").getContext("2d"); chartLine=newChart(ctx).Line(lineData, lineOptions); document.getElementById('chart_line_legend').innerHTML = chartLine.generateLegend();
图例配置在options.legend中.全局配置在Chart.defaults.global.legend。 名称类型默认值描述 displayBooleantrue是否显示 positionString'top'位置更多... fullWidthBooleantrue是否铺满画布,此配置不常改变 onClickFunction标签项的回调事件 onHoverFunction'mousemove' 事件注册在标签项上时的回调 ...
In a grouped stacked chart, this option gives a visual difference by grouping the legend items in different containers. clusterGroupedSeriesOrientation: String Available Options are either “horizontal” or “vertical” offsetX: Number Sets the left offset for legend container ...
Javascript Chart.js Legend Javascript examples for Chart.js:Legend HOME Javascript Chart.js Legend Description Click the following links for the tutorial for Chart.js and Legend. Change Radius/Point size of Legend Points in chart.js when usePointStyle is true Having legends inside the Chart.js ...
When there are multiple dataSeries in the chart, legends help to identify each dataSeries with a predefined symbol and name of the series. Show/Hide Legend legend: { show: false } Change Legend Position There are pre-defined positions for the legend to be placed. You can place the ...
Chart.js - Legend - Chart.js legend displays that data about the dataset which is going to be seen on our chart or graph. The namespace for Legend configuration options is options.plugins.legend whereas, the global option for the chart legend is defined
Set height of chart in Chart.js 1 Edit legend labels [vue-chart.js] Load 5 more related questions Know someone who can answer? Share a link to this question via email, Twitter, or Facebook. Your Answer Sign up or log in Sign up using Google Sign up using Email and Passwor...
ChartLegendContent } from "@/components/ui/chart"; import { PolarAngleAxis, PolarGrid, RadialBar, RadialBarChart, ResponsiveContainer, } from "recharts"; import { Tractor, GraduationCap, Trees, Stethoscope, Home, Building2, HelpCircle, Factory, Droplets, Train } from 'lucide-react'; ...
Chartjs Legend Styling, Adjusting Chart.js Legend is Not Possible, Modifying the Design of a d3js Chart: A Guide, Enabling the Legend Feature in Plottable.js Histogram Plots
vue-chartjs的legend图例颜色问题 星羽流光 341628 发布于 2022-01-26 如图,如何在有两条或以上的折线时,在option的legend中配置图例的色块颜色 vue.jschart.js 有用关注2收藏 回复 阅读2.6k 1 个回答 得票最新 Diuooo 9415 发布于 2022-01-26