Hello! Thanks for this very cool library! My question is how it is possible to repeat functionality for show/hide chart for custom legend? Yes, this functionality working for charts by default. But I have to change default legend to cust...
使用ChartJS的legendCallback回调函数来生成自定义的图例HTML代码。该函数会接收一个参数,其中包含了图表的标签和颜色信息。示例代码如下: 代码语言:txt 复制 options: { legendCallback: function(chart) { var legendHtml = []; legendHtml.push('<ul class="custom-legend">'); for (var i = 0; i <...
Chart.js - Legend - Chart.js legend displays that data about the dataset which is going to be seen on our chart or graph. The namespace for Legend configuration options is options.plugins.legend whereas, the global option for the chart legend is defined
.add(donut) [addLegendBox] 函数将创建一个框,其中包含甜甜圈中切片的名称。我们可以将其创建为水平框或垂直框: 为了完成此图表,我们可以添加具有某些属性的 HTML 文本。 donut.addUIElement(UIElementBuilders.TextBox) .setPosition({ x: 50, y: 50 }) .setOrigin(UIOrigins.CenterTop) .setDraggingMode(UI...
Arbitrary token values can also be used in the template and custom text for those tokens can be specified for each legend entry like so: {template:"%name %icon %value %customVal",name:"%name",value:"%sum",attributes:{customVal:"Custom Text"}} ...
Javascript - How to create custom legend in ChartJS, In these cases, it makes sense to generate an HTML legend. Charts provide a generateLegend () method on their prototype that returns an HTML string for the legend. To configure how this legend is generated, you can change the legendCall...
5)"], }] }, options:{ legend: {display: false}, //Remove the legend box by setting it to false. It's true by default. }});输出:使用 Chart.js 创建饼图 要创建饼图,请将图表类型切换为饼图。也可以使图例的显示为真以确定饼图的每个部分是什么:// Create an instance of Chart objec...
legend 可以通过 options 去给一些 design 的配置, 比如调 width 等等 更多配置看这里 Dataset/Legend 重叠 有时候我们会想把数据往上叠加起来看 通过scales 配置可以到达效果 Horizon bar version 3.0 以前有一个 chart type : horizontalBar, 3.0 以后就没有了 ...
Chart.js legend position Demo CodeResultView the demo in separate window <html> <head> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <script type="text/javascript" src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/Chart.js/2.7.0/Chart.min.js"></script> <script type...
问vue-chartjs和使用generateLegend()的自定义图例ENlegend: { data: [ // "最高分", "...