Charge-coupled devices (CCD) are applied to integrate circuits for signal processing, optical imaging, and computer memory. The device consists of an input element for injecting a controlled charge into the main part, an array of MIS capacitors used in the dynamic operation mode, and a sensor ...
The digital camera, incorporating a charge-coupled device (CCD) detector, is by far the most common image capture mechanism employed in present-day optical microscopy. Although the charge-coupled device detector functions in an equivalent role to that o
(2019)). Charge coupled devices (CCDs) are the most widely used ECL detector with image management, high spatial resolution and multi-channel detection capabilities. Taking MC15 as an example, its resolution can reach 1360 × 1024, and its size is only 108.5 mm × 106.5 mm × 62.5 mm, ...
In the past, CCDs could deliver much better quality images than other types of sensors, including those based on CMOS technology. As a result, they were used in a wide range of devices, includingscanners,bar code readers, microscopes, medical equipment and astronomical telescopes. The devices a...
Techopedia Explains Charge-Coupled Device The idea of a CCD can be traced back to the late 1960s when the staff of AT&T Bell Laboratories worked on devices similar to semiconductors. Today, CCDs are widely used in other devices. Many of them work by directing electrical charges at an atomic...
CCD refers to a charge-coupled device. It is a detection element that expresses the size of a signal with the amount of charge and transmits the signal in a coupled manner. It has self-scanning, wide spectrum range, smal...
Fully depleted, back-illuminated charge-coupled devices fabricated on high-resistivity silicon Charge-coupled devices (CCDs) have been fabricated on high-resistivity, n-type silicon. The resistivity, on the order of 10 000 Ω·cm, allows for depletio... SE Holland,DE Groom,NP Palaio,... -...
The common methods of X photograph,imaging principles in pixels and applications of Charge Coupled Devices(CCDs) in energetic particle detection are analyzed. 在分析常用X射线闪光透视技术、电荷耦合器件(CCD)感光成像原理及其高能粒子探测应用的基础上,相对于通常的转换屏耦合CCD间接记录法,采用自行设计的RJ2421...
In the 1980s, charge-coupled devices (CCDs) replaced photographic plates and reduced optical uncertainties to one milliarcsecond. 在1980年代,感光耦合元件(CCD) 取代了照相底片,並且使不確定的因素減少到千分之一角秒。 WikiMatrix Scanners/imagers: frame camera systems, scanning systems, pushbroom sc...
CCDs,orcharge-coupleddevices,can resolve down to aboutfivenanometers,stilltwiceaslarge asthewidthofa singleDNAmolecule. 即电荷耦合器件,其最小分辨率为5nm,这还是达到单个DNA分子宽度的两倍。 3. Anewmethodofautomeasuringtheroundnesserrorbymeansof thelinearCCD(chargecoupleddevice) ispropos...