charge-coupled device (redirected fromCharge-couple device) Medical Encyclopedia charge-coup·led device (chärj′kŭp′əld) n.Abbr.CCD A photosensitive semiconductor device that transports electric charge from one capacitor to another, allowing serial output of parallel data, typically used for ...
The meaning of CHARGE-COUPLED DEVICE is a semiconductor device that is used especially as an optical sensor and that stores charge and transfers it sequentially to an amplifier and detector —called also CCD, charged coupled device.
CCD全称叫Charge coupled Device,中文叫电荷耦合原件,又叫ccd图像传感器,所以现在叫什么 ccd相机的叫法是错误的,CCD是图像传感器的一种。CCD大部分像素成像在25万像素左右,好一点的在25至38万像素,再好一点的1000万像素左右,配备传感器所谓质感,随着近几年复古风带来的影响,燃起了老物件的市场,被一些二手商家带上...
A charge-coupled device is a type of circuit. It contains linked (charged) capacitors that enable electric charges to move from one capacitor to a nearby one. This technology has extensive uses. It is commonly found in many image sensors and digital came
charge coupled adj. 电荷耦合的 CCD storage电荷耦合器件存储器 ccd Charge Coupled Device,电荷耦合装置 charge n. 1.[C] 费用,价钱,索价 2.[U] 掌管;照顾;责任 3.[C] 被照顾的人(或事物) 4.[C] 控告,指控(+against/of) 5.[C] 指责 6.[C] 突然猛 device n. 1. 器具,器械,仪器;装置...
What Does Charge-Coupled Device Mean? A charge-coupled device (CCD) is an integrated circuit that controls the movement of electrical charges in order to generate specific results. This device is widely used in modern solid-state technologies and other types of hardware manufacturing, where ...
英文缩写: CCD (Charge Coupled Device) 中文译名: 电荷耦合器件 分类: 电信设备 解释: 这种器件在逻辑电路、计数器、移位寄存器等器件中都可以应用。这种器件中有电荷存储在半导体的表面上,在电信号的控制下,在半导体表面上的电荷可从一个电极转移到另一个电极,因此叫做电荷耦合器件...
Charge Coupled Device (CCD) CameraSynonyms CCD-Camera DefinitionA charge-coupled device (CCD) is an image sensor, consisting of an integrated circuit containingan array of linked, or coupled, light-sensitive capdoi:10.1007/978-0-387-48998-8_209Dongqing Li Prof...
電荷耦合元件(CCD,Charge-coupledDevice)是一種集成電路,上有許多排列整齊的電容,能感應光線,並將影像轉變成數字信號。經由外部電路的控制,每個小電容能將其所帶的電荷轉給它相鄰的電容。CCD廣泛應用在數碼攝影、天文學,尤其是光學遙測技術、光學與望遠鏡和高速攝影技術 集成電路=積體電路IntegratedCircuit<IC>就...