Background In persons with deafblindness, it is hard to distinguish autism spectrum disorders from several deafblind specific behaviours caused by the dual sensory impairments, especially when these persons are also intellectually disabled. As a result, there is an over-diagnosis of autism in persons...
Hoevenaars-van den Boom MAA, Antonissen ACFM, Knoors H, et al (2009) Differentiating characteristics of deafblindness and autism in people with congenital deafblindness and profound intellectual disability. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 53: 548-58....
According to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), multiple disabilities occur when a person has a combination of impairments serious enough that their needed accommodations go beyond what a special education program for only one of the disabilities could provide. Deaf-blindness is ...
As the prevalence of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) increases, so has the escalation of the diagnosis of ASD individuals with deafblindness (DB). This literature review examines the characteristics of individuals with DB and those with ASD, overlapping characteristics of the two disorders, ...
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 53, 548-558.Differentiating characteristics of deafblindness and autism in people with congenital deafblindness and profound intellectual disability. Hoevenaars-van den Boom M A A,Antonissen A C F M,Knoors H,Vervloed M P J. Journal of intellectual ...
They found that those with congenital deaf-blindness were more likely to have impairments in cognition, activities of daily living, and social interactions and were less likely to use speech for communication.DalbyAssistant professorDawn M.Assistant professorHirdes...
Wittich, W., Watanabe, D., & Gagne´, J.-P. (2012). Sensory and demographic charac- teristics of deafblindness rehabilitation cli- ents in Montre´al, Canada. Ophthalmic & Physiological Optics: The Journal of the British College of Ophthalmic Opticians (Optometrists), 32(3), 242-251....
Using a standardized assessment instrument, the authors compared 182 adults with congenital deaf-blindness and those with acquired deaf-blindness. They found that those with congenital deaf-blindness were more likely to have impairments in cognition, activities of daily living, and social interactions ...
Comorbid Deafblindness and Autism Spectrum Disorder—Characteristics, Differential Diagnosis, and Possible Interventionsdoi:10.1007/s40489-016-0100-2Kristi M. ProbstChristina M. BordersSpringer US
The aim of this study is to report on the characteristics of a population of 916 individuals with acquired deafblindness receiving national Danish counselling and rehabilitation services. Age, gender, prevalence, social status, and communication mode are some of the data included in this study. ...