Shamir, B. (1978) Between bureaucracy and hospitality-some organisational characteristics of hotels. The Journal of Management Studies October, 285-307.Shamir,B.,Between Bureaucracy and Hospi‑ tality : Some Organizations Characteristics of...
In: Bureaucracy, Politics, and Decision Making in Post-Mao China. University of California Press, pp 1–31. Liu G (2020) Xin tiaozhan he jiyu xia de zhongguo ren...
Karnataka state boasts of a vast administrative structure - constituting civil servants - which has witnessed important and qualitative changes in the New Millennium. This administrative "elite" occupy relatively high positions in government bureaucracy -- ministries, agencies, public corporations etc and ...
When asked about the primary challenges to effectively mitigate wildfire risk, the top three categories participants mentioned were limited funding and resources, bureaucracy and human behavior and education (Table 9). These three challenges were all sociological-based limitations, compared to the ...
However, despite the abundant resources available to these companies, their executives may face serious bureaucracy and all kinds of costs, which in turn inhibits the managerial discretion of executives, indicating a complex relationship between managerial discretion and many organizational factors. This ...