ATTACHMENT theory (Psychology)INFLUENCEVIRTUAL reality & psychologyPSYCHOLOGYGiven the increasing emphasis on online consumption in our digital era, the current study aimed to explore the avatar–self relationship in association with the concept of product attachment. Through constructing their own avatars ...
In theory, the determination of the fractality of a network can be done by testing whether the minimal number of boxes \(N_B(l_B)\)—determined by the box-covering method—scales as a power of the box size. A statistical framework for the detection of power law behavior in empirical ...
A. (2002). Why some women consent to unwanted sex with a dating partner: Insights from attachment theory. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 26, 360–370. Article Google Scholar Kenny, R. (2013). A review of the literature on sexual development of older adults in relation to the asexual ...
We have met many high need babies over the years. Based on this “gallery” we have compiled the following profile of high need babies. All babies will show some of these features some of the time, and these features are descriptive only. As you will see, each of these personality ...
Purpose – Due to the growth of Facebook use, the question arises regarding which factors may influence individuals' self-disclosure while using the site. The purpose of this paper is to examine: first, to what extent does attachment theory explain users' self-disclosure on Facebook; second, ...
The pressure signal of oil pulsating flow is a kind of multi-component signal; in order to realise the effective separation of the multi-component pressure signal and extract its vibration characteristics, the pressure signal was decomposed by Variationa
Some people may find it difficult to engage emotionally with a romantic partner, and some desire it so much that it seems like an addiction. It is possible that attachment theory could explain some of how avoidance of love works. Those with insecure attachment styles may respond to relationships...
The anatomical, histological, and histochemical characteristics of the foregut (FG), midgut (MG), and hindgut (HG), as well as their alterations during the
The biosensing function of decidualized endometrial stromal cells has been proposed as one of the implantation checkpoints, and its impairment may account for the maternal age-independent stepwise increase in miscarriage rates after each pregnancy loss10. On the other hand, embryo attachment onto ...
比如,许多现实中网络的生成具有“偏好依附”特性(preferential attachment):在网络演化的过程中,原先链接多的节点更容易与其他节点建立新的链接(正如人际圈中,人缘好的人更容易交到新朋友,可以称之为人际关系的“马太效应”)。因此,偏好依附导致了网络中节点度的幂律分布。并且,偏好依附会导致网络中的树状结构和星型...