Nilesh threw down the gauntlet, daring the room to confront their assumptions about inclusivity. He challenged them to reimagine their teams, their client targets, and their customer bases in a way that pushed against the very grain of the room’s prevailing mindset. Drawing on his own deep c...
In On the Subject of Labour: Essays in Memory of Frans Hüsken. Edited by Huub de Jonge and Toon van Meijl. Nijmegen: In de Walvis, 2010, pp. 37–41. 47. Derks, Sanne, Willy Jansen, and Catrien Notermans. "Miniatures and Stones in the Spiritual Economy of the Virgin of Urkupi...
The researchers also manipulated the cells by subjecting them to solutions of varying concentrations, which caused the cells to swell or shrink. These modifications changed the distances between the nanocrystals, and altered their visible colors, just as the researchers predicted they would, Milinkovitc...
It is only when one stumbles upon the subject of national ethics106 that he is found widely separated from the bulk of mankind. Once one discovers this sharp corner in his thinking, and is able to turn it with him, it is comparatively easy to comprehend the German’s peculiar107 notions ...