Relevant factors influencing the process were: alignment between project and participants’ priorities and goals, receptivity to student and teacher voices, leadership engagement, and tensions and intentions about roles and responsibilities between participants. Conclusions: This study emphasises the promise ...
Fig. 2. Travel to work patterns, case study districts (2011 Census).Source: Adapted from data from the Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.2.0. Travel is not the only source of CO2 emissions, with people apparently generating as much greenhouse gas emissi...
The overall aim of this study was to analyse existing RBPS from selected European countries—Germany, Austria, Switzerland, the United Kingdom (UK), Ireland and Spain—and to present information on their design, implementation, financing, ecological indicators used and monitoring from a practical pe...
It seeks to influence company policy and practice and to raise awareness among the British and Irish churches, the investor community and the general public. For more information, please visit Acknowledgements ECCR would like to thank the five civil society organisations that ...
The Irish parliament introduced the Emergency Measures in the Public Interest (COVID-19) Act in March 2020.32 This wide-ranging Act introduced provisions to address issues relating to the pandemic including the operation of residential tenancies, planning and development and the introduction of a te...
New crops refers to: millet (Udzungwa), Irish potatoes (Bale, Kigezi), banana (Bale, Mt Kenya), pineapple (Kigezi), sweet potatoes, cassava, or wheat (Kibira). NA, not available. Source data Full size image We also investigated if perceiving a greater number of climatic changes influenced...
As a habitat generalist, the European hare exhibited a greater habitat breadth than the Alpine mountain hare, a habitat specialist, with the hybrids in between the two species. This is in line with the wider niche breadth of the European hare than of the Irish hare in northern Ireland, where...
We acknowledge the CGIAR Trust Fund, Australia (ACIAR), Ireland (Irish Aid), Netherlands (Ministry of Foreign Affairs), New Zealand, Switzerland (SDC), The UK Government (UK Aid), USA (USAID), The European Union (EU) for funding the program and the International Fund for Agricultural ...
While most coastal communities are expected to, or have been, negatively impacted by climate change, cephalopods have generally thrived with shifting ocean
World Justice Project’s Rule of Law Index averages from 2015 to 2021 show Spain ranking significantly below Germany and the UK, but only slightly below France – and above Portugal, Italy and Greece—in terms of the quality of its legal system (