The article reports on a survey of Irish companies conducted by KPMG about the impact of climate change on their businesses and mergers and acquisitions (M&A) activity. The study found that climate change is already having a significant impact on their businesses. According to respondents, the ...
Objective: Our aim is to develop citizenship education with students and staff in vocational education and training (VET), which increases student voice and fits the complex school system. Methods: We involved students and staff in citizenship education development and identified relevant factors that ...
README Code of conduct CC-BY-4.0 license Open Sustainable TechnologyA directory and analysis of the open source ecosystem in the areas of climate change, sustainable energy, biodiversity and natural resources. Earth's uniqueness in creating a stable environment for life in a completely hostile space...
The UK people lied to the pollsters so the left couldn’t estimate the margin of fraud. They were still trying to maintain some sort of appearances so there was only so much cheating that could be done. My fear is that the left in the US doesn’t believe it has to maintain the appe...
Energy Secretary Ed Miliband (RenewableUK) ¶ “EU Auto Plan Is A Major Concession To Industry – It Must Be the Last” • After the EU Automotive Plan, there must be no more concessions on car industry climate targets, T&E says. Giving carmakers two extra years to comply with the 20...
(e.g. BRITICE-CHRONO project;Clark et al., 2017) to better define the history of the British-Irish Ice Sheet (BIIS) have documented the rapid retreat of many of the former ice streams draining its margin (Bradwell et al., 2008b,2019;Small et al., 2018;Davies et al., 2019,S...
Alcohol thus had become an unignorable problem for Irish public health and society. 3.3. The policy stream When the government decided to integrate alcohol and drugs into a combined NSMS, it established the steering group to help formulate the alcohol part. The steering group was highly diverse,...
This study aimed to explore this impact as well as experiences of service utilisation and suggestions for change with people diagnosed with a First Episode Psychosis between 1995 and 1999. Participants had used services during the 10 year period prior to, and 10 years post, policy and legislative...
The results of the survey revealed that traditional types of work associated with Irish peatlands continues to feature (e.g. turf cutting and commercial mining). However, there is also an awareness of the need for change: “I have reared turf all my life and always enjoyed everything about...
Under a Creative Commons license Open accessHighlights Abstract Farmers' adoption of climate change mitigation measures is key to successfully reduce agricultural greenhouse gas emissions. This article investigates the role of non-cognitive skills, namely self-efficacy and locus of control, in farmers' ...