• Fixed SLPK compatibility with ArcGIS Earth. 9 Agisoft Metashape Change Log • Published floating license server for Metashape Professional 2.0. • Reworked offline activation procedure. Version 2.0.0 build 15597 (31 December 2022) Standard and Professional editions • Added Displacement map ...
Using ArcGIS software, the land utilization component of the land use transfer matrix was obtained for the periods 2000–2005, 2005–2010, 2010–2015, and 2010–2020, and a land utilization map was generated from land utilization transfer matrices to study the land use types of the Shengli ...
Suitable habitats ofPinus koraiensisduring the Last Glacial Maximum under two climate scenarios and maps showing the overlap of suitable habitat and macro-fossil records in the Japanese Archipelago.aandbsuitable habitats in Northeast Asia,canddenlarged map of suitable habitats and fossil records in the ...
while red circles indicate that the values are above the median. The outer circular heatmaps show the rate of change in per capita annual electricity consumption under different scenarios by mid-century, compared with the current levels. From the inside to the outside, the circular heatmaps re...
All model calibration, evaluation and projection were done with the sdm-R package version 1.0–897476. All modelling as much as possible confirmed to recommended standards in species modelling77. The model results were exported for producing map figures in ArcGIS 10.6 (Environment Systems Research ...
First, an empty geodatabase ®was created using an ArcGIS software and all the information was incorporated. Second, the geoda- tabase was transferred to a geoserver for online visualisation through a Web Map Service (WMS). The ®MediSeH online GIS data viewer was developed using ALOV Map...
Finally, the output map is converted into vector layer for preparation of geo-database of landform features with attributes including name, areal extent, and volumetric change rate using ESRI-ArcGIS 10.2 software. 4. Results and discussion The various types of coastal landforms are extracted from ...
(> 0.6–1.00)89. The reclassified tool in ArcGIS 10.8.2 was used to classify the ensemble maps. A field calculator was used to determine the raster area of each class of map (Count area × Area pixel/1,000,000). The relative variable relevance for each model’s present ...
Researchers conducted the study in the central and rural areas of Bartın, in the western part of the Black Sea region. Figure1, created with ArcGIS®10.5 software (https://desktop.arcgis.com/en/arcmap/10.5/get-started/main/get-started-with-arcmap.htm), shows the boundaries of Bart...
Map prepared in ArcGIS 10.6 (Esri, Redlands, CA, USA). Base map: Natural Earth II (https://www.shadedrelief.com/natural2). Full size image Noticeably, the geographical range of potentially available habitats of the orchid was distinctly wider during the LGM than it is currently observed (...