A map projection is the means by which you display the coordinate system and your data on a flat surface, such as a piece of paper or a digital screen. Mathematical calculations in the map projection are used to convert the coordinate system used on the curved surface of earth to one use...
Robinson, A. (1974). "A new map projection: its development and characteristics." In: Kirschbaum, G. M. (eds.), Meine, K.-H. (eds.).International Yearbook of Cartography, Bonn-Bad Godesberg, Germany: Kirschbaum, 145-55. Snyder, J. P. (1990). "The Robinson projection: A computati...
TheCompact Millerprojection is a compromise cylindrical map projection. It compresses polar areas in comparison to theMiller cylindricalprojection. The Compact Miller is a special case of theaspect-adaptive cylindricalprojection with the height-to-width (aspect) ratio of 0.6. The projection was introdu...
在我国境内,Y坐标一般是7位数值,反之X坐标6位一定要选中央经线, 8位一定选带号,8位前两位是带号,前两位大于24是3度分带,小于24是6度分带。 3.定义投影(DefineProjection)是对没有坐标系的数据(可以矢量也可以栅格),或者数据本身坐标系不正确数据,定义正确坐标系,也叫定义坐标系,是从无到有过程。不合适数据...
ArcGIS is the definitive solution for managing geospatial data, featuring a comprehensive set of capabilities, apps, and tools for drawing insights from location information. ArcGIS Pro is the world's leading desktop GIS software accessible through user types that align capabilities to team roles, ena...
有关街道、水体和建筑物的信息来自底图。 底图提供了参考信息以为您的数据提供环境背景。ArcGIS Pro具有多个底图图层,默认底图图层为World Topographic Map。 (根据您的 ArcGIS 组织的设置,您可能具有不同的默认底图。) 您需要更改底图,使其突出显示您的数据。 颜色较深的底图可以使白色的铁路线更加清晰。
ArcGIS Pro 的地图文档或者说工程文件,从以前 ArcMap 的以地图为驱动变成了以项目为驱动,所以保存的 ArcGIS Pro 工程文件是一个文件夹,里面不仅有 .aprx 地图文档,还有 GDB 地理数据库等,非常臃肿。 笔者自己非常懒,使用 ArcMap 的时候最喜欢直接保存一个无标题.mxd到桌面上,省时省力吗,一键关机提桶下班。
如果您没有ArcGIS Pro的访问权限或者 ArcGIS 组织帐户,请参阅软件访问权限选项。 地图包含三个专题图层(Cities、Roads和Provinces)和两个底图图层。 您首先需要符号化省面图层,因为它是地图中最重要的图层。 您需要暂时关闭其他图层,以将重点放在各个省上。
Create Projection Transformation Create HV Datum Transformation Create Composite HV Datum Transformation Determine Transformations MapPoint GeoCoordinateString MapPoint - GeoCoordinateString Conversion AngularUnit AngularUnit - Convert between degrees and radians AngularUnit - Create an AngularUnit with ...