momentum fluxvectorstensorsequation of continuityequation of motioncreeping flowstream functionStokes lawfriction factorpotential flowSummary In this chapter we discuss important variables, physical properties in fluid dynamics, fundamental balance in momentum transport, equation of motion, exact differentials, ...
equation of change 【化】 变化方程 density of flux change 磁通量变化密度 density change method 密度变化测定法 change ... into ... 把…改变成… No change 不变 change ... for ... 把…换成…;用…交换… change for v. 交换 change into v. 兑换,转换为 Change to 变成,变为,搬...
Sign in to download full-size image Fig. 20.3.U-series and measured δ18O data for Lehman Caves stalagmite LMC-23 show growth over the 201–208ka period during MIS 7. The age model is defined by the equation age=1539.6*ln(depth)+200,074. ...
We live in a fast-changing world, which is why, in the 1990s, change management academics introduced complexity theory into the equation. They started to talk about dynamic or complex adaptive systems, and chaos thinking. The buzzwords were ‘participate’ and ‘renew’. Complexity theory focuses...
The variation in the lake volume can be estimated by combining the lake area and water balance equation (Medina et al., 2010; Duan and Bastiaanssen, 2013; Zhang et al., 2018; Wang, 2020). The Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (QTP) is the highest in the world and referred to as "the roof ...
On the basis of the numerical solution of the Boltzmann equation the Couette flow is investigated. The effect of the upper plate velocity on the value and position of the extremum of the dependence of the energy flux to the lower plate on the plate temperature ratio in the free-molecular reg...
The flux equation assumes that the turbulent diffusive flux is negligible and can be approximated by38Eq. (1): $$flux = \frac{1}{L}\mathop \smallint \limits_{0}^{\infty } \overline{u}_{z} (\overline{c}_{z,out} - \overline{c}_{z,in} ) dz$$ ...
a,b, Fractional changes in fast (>99th percentile) 200 hPa jet stream winds averaged over the extratropics (20–60° latitude) normalized by the global mean change in surface air temperature for each model versus thermal wind (a; equation (1)) and moist thermal wind (b; equation (2))...
Projected changes to the basin's annual precipitation varied between -3.6 and +14.8 % but increases in temperature and consequently evapotranspiration (calculated using the Thornthwaite equation) were projected by all CMIP5 models, resulting in projected changes in the basin's annual discharge from -...
The continuity equation was applied to calculate vertical ocean currents. SODAv2.2.4 covers 1910–2008 while GODAS covers 2009–2020. Oceanic thermocline depth (20°C isotherm depth) field is obtained from SODAv2.2.4 and GODAS. The climatological mean of GODAS is calibrated to SODAv2.2.4 ...