The Faraday's law corresponds to the current induced when there is a change in the magnetic flux, associated with magnetic field lines passing through a considered area. The consequence of the induction process leads to another induction, the induction of the magnetic field which cor...
In recent years, the deformation of rare-earth barium copper oxide (REBCO) pancake coils for high magnetic field generations attracts attention. Several screening current simulation considering coil deformation shows a possibility that coil deformation affected screening current distribution. Screening currents...
flux-line latticemagnetoresistancesuperconducting thin films/ magnetoresistance sign changesuperconducting filmsgeometrical edge barrierresistive characteristicspin-free superconductorsnumerical solutionMaxwell-London equationResistive characteristics of pin-free superconductors with an edge barrier are studied. A model ...
Homework Statement Homework Equations Equation given in question. The Attempt at a Solution The only thing I could think of was to try changing the y=3x^3 into polar coordinates but I didn't know where to go from there... Could I get some direction to how I should go about this, I'...
Production function Q(K,L) without equation However partial derivatives are given Partial derivatives: Q(K,L) = (K^2 - KL + L^2)/(K+L) + 4K . ln(K+L) Derivative to K Q(K,L) =( K^2 + L^2) / (K+ L) Dervative to L A. Calculate the derivative in point (10,L) If...
Each temperature control zone’s transient net heat flux nears zero, exhibiting a multi-temperature maintenance state. In this stage, the temperature interactions among the goods at different temperatures maintain a dynamic balance under the normalized temperature difference \(\left({\varPsi }_{{{\...
In our experiment, the magnetization and demagnetization rate was set as 100 Oe s−1with the magnetic field change of up to 30 kOe. The surface magnetic flux density was measured by Gaussmeter. DSC measurement was implemented on NETZSCH DSC 200F3 Maia equipment with a ramp rate of ...
In Sect. 3, the self-sustained equation is interpreted in a novel way, where the quantum fluctuations are let to evolve and the classical energy is then computed, consequently one arrives at solutions which may be interpreted as a change in topology. Finally, in Sect. 4, we conclude. 2 ...
Is the equation presented (that the time-derivative of a given vector in such a scenario is equal to its angular frequency vector cross the vector itself) true in the case of a vector whose origin is not on the axis of rotation? The way I'm visualizing this, if we take such a displa...
Change of variable in a double integral Hi everyone, I tried to solve the last part of the question, I substituted back the expression of x and y into the equation of the ellipse, I got that r=1 or r=-1. But got no idea how to find the boundary for theta, I got a guess that...