🧑💻 Configure Git User run: | git config --global user.name "Bot Kamil" git config --global user.email "kamil@infinum.com" - name: 🏷️ Create Release Pull Request uses: changesets/action@v1 with: publish: pnpm changeset tag setupGitUser: false env: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ sec...
While I’m in the Git username neighborhood, I’ll also add that you can view your Git email address with this command: git config user.email And you can change your Git email address like this: git config --global user.email [your email address here] Finally, you can also see you...
GitBaseVersionDescriptor GitBlobRef GitBranchStats GitChange GitCherryPick GitCommit GitCommitChanges GitCommitDiffs GitCommitRef GitCommitToCreate GitConflict GitConflictAddAdd GitConflictAddRename GitConflictDeleteEdit GitConflictDeleteRename GitConflictDirectoryFile GitConflictEditDelete GitConflictEditEdit Git...
Changing Your Committer Name & Email GloballyYou can run the "git config" command with the --global flag; this will make sure all of your future commits use the given information:$ git config --global user.name "John Doe" $ git config --global user.email "john@doe.org"...
Make sure to change your local git config global user.email $ git config --global user.email "your.email@domain.com" Just go to Keychain Access (Command + Space) and typeKeychain Access. Find thegithub.comname in the list where kind isInternet Passwordand delete it. ...
GitBaseVersionDescriptor GitBlobRef GitBranchStats GitChange GitCherryPick GitCommit GitCommitChanges GitCommitDiffs GitCommitRef GitCommitToCreate GitConflict GitConflictAddAdd GitConflictAddRename GitConflictDeleteEdit GitConflictDeleteRename GitConflictDirectoryFile GitConflictEditDelete GitConflictEditEdit Git...
静态引入的,请复制链接https://registry.npmjs.org/mars2d/-/mars2d-3.1.0.tgz后,在浏览器地址栏粘贴并修改版本号为指定版本后会回车进行下载。 2. 发布频率 我们会定期发布新版本,以便随着 Mars2D 的不断演进,你可以提前计划并协调这些升级工作。
héritée de GitChange.originalPathsourceServerItem Chemin d’accès de l’élément sur le serveur. TypeScript Copier sourceServerItem: string Valeur de propriété string héritée deGitChange.sourceServerItemurl URL pour récupérer l’élément. TypeScript Copier url: string Valeur de propriét...
zděděný z GitChange.originalPathsourceServerItem Cesta k položce na serveru TypeScript Kopírovat sourceServerItem: string Hodnota vlastnosti string zděděno zeGitChange.sourceServerItemurl Adresa URL pro načtení položky TypeScript Kopírovat url: string Hodnota vlastnosti string...
Moved Store Policies to Global Options. Improved - When a change at checkout switches an order from paid to free or vice versa, reload the page. Improved - Refactored activation and database migrations. Now prevents running the same update twice. Improved - When no detected gateways are ...