Weekly Torah Portion The Weekly Aliyot of the Parsha - Vayakhel Pekudei A short summary of the Torah portion read in the Synagogue on Shabbat. Children's Corner - Vayakhel "Tatty, I have a question," Binyamin said to his father at the Shabbos table. "At the beginning of this wee...
Check out our holiday programs, schedules of services and lots more! See All Events Monday Soul Coffee Weekly Torah Class > First Shabbat Monthly Shabbat Services > Parsha Weekly Torah Portion > Partner with us in our quest to build community, and strengthen Jewish Life. ...
The weekly Torah portion has never been more relevant. Enrich your knowledge of Torah and find the answers to questions you've always had and some surprising new ones. Learn more > Shabbat Dinners Join us for a 4 course, delicious feast, in the company of fellow Jews. Our weekly Friday ...
Shabbat & Holidays Candle Lighting Times Noord Light Candles at 6:32 PM - Friday, March 7 Shabbat Ends 7:22 PM - Shabbat, March 8 Weekly Torah Portion Tetzaveh Upcoming Holiday Purim Mar. 13 - Mar. 14 Upcoming Events There are no upcoming events posted at this time....
Parsha - Weekly Torah Portion The Weekly Aliyot of the Parsha - Vayakhel Pekudei A short summary of the Torah portion read in the Synagogue on Shabbat. Children's Corner - Vayakhel "Tatty, I have a question," Binyamin said to his father at the Shabbos table. "At the beginning of this...
Abraham was even thrown into the "fiery furnace." Yet the Written Torah completely ignores these incidents. Rather, we are introduced to Abraham in this week's Torah portion, Lech Lecha when Abraham receives the command from G-d at the age of 75: "Go out (Lech lecha) from your country...
Cigars, Spirits and a Shot of Judaism This weekly outdoor study group gleans ideas and concepts from the weekly Torah portion and, through discussion, creates a meaningful connection between the timeless wisdom of the Torah and modern-day living. (Men Only) Also available on Zoom. Register belo...