Isn’t it more important to spend time studying Torah? • Watch News 2 hours ago Paris: Harav Yaakov Shapira Impressed By Chabad’s “Sinai School” System 6 | Slideshow The Rosh Yeshiva of Merkaz HaRav and member of the Chief Rabbinate in Eretz Yisroel, HaRav Yaakov Shapira ...
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Celebrate Shavuot Hear the 10 Commandments Ice cream party Delicious dairy lunch Cheesecake buffet The Reading of the Ten Commandments is the essence of the holiday of Shavout; it is the commemoration of the moment G-d gave the Torah and we became a nation. Please join us with your entire ...
Abraham was even thrown into the "fiery furnace." Yet the Written Torah completely ignores these incidents. Rather, we are introduced to Abraham in this week's Torah portion, Lech Lecha when Abraham receives the command from G-d at the age of 75: "Go out (Lech lecha) from your country...
All the forces involved in bringing about its fulfillment are merely bringing about their own destruction. Zionism is Antichrist; Zionism is a human attempt to accomplish everything the Messiah will do. Zionism is rejected by Torah-true Jews. ...
“I have law school a few days a week, and on the other days this is my hub,” Dordick says. He continues: “Chabad Intown has provided an infrastructure for my own personal growth. We had minyan this morning. On Wednesday nights there’s Torah learning for young professionals. My fri...
Fox wanted Yiddish to come more naturally to her children. They are enrolled in the Cheder stream of the Torah Academy School in Johannesburg and spend half their school day speaking Yiddish. “When they do their homework, they review in Yiddish. When they sing their songs, they’re in Yidd...
"Don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you."This is the whole Torah, the rest is commentary. So if some Chabad "Rabbi" is telling you that it's OK to lie to people to get their money, then this so called "Rabbi" is NOT Jewish. Obviously, Chabad policies ...