Recent clinical trials of drugs enhancing cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) signaling for cardiovascular diseases have renewed interest in cGMP biology within the kidney. However, the role of cGMP signaling in glomerular endothelial cells (GECs) and podocytes remains largely unexplored. Using acute ki...
Kleppisch, T., Feil, R. (2009). cGMP Signalling in the Mammalian Brain: Role in Synaptic Plasticity and Behaviour. In: Schmidt, H.H.H.W., Hofmann, F., Stasch, JP. (eds) cGMP: Generators, Effectors and Therapeutic Implications. Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology, vol 191. Springer,...
Full size image To answer this question, we addressed SponGee and cAMP Sponge to the centrosome by fusion to the PACT targeting sequence42 (Fig. 2A–C). Remarkably, and in contrast to PC targeting, both scavengers have the same effect on cortical interneuron migration when addressed to the ...
Full size image hSERT forms a stable association with PKGIα Although our studies above implicate PKGI in SERT regulation, they do not address whether PKGI/SERT interactions are transient or stable, nor do they identify which isoform of PKGI is most likely involved in SERT regulation since ou...
Full size image Turnover of BeCyclOp We measured the turnover number of BeCyclOp by determining the amount of BeCyclOp::YFP in membranes, based on the YFP fluorescence, and relating it to the amount of cGMP generated in the light (Supplementary Fig. 4). For this experiment, on average, ...
PLoS Pathog 2015, 11(2): e1004639. doi:10.1186/2050-6511-16-S1-A51 Cite this article as: Franz et al.: The role of a parasite-specific D-site in activation of Plasmodium falciparum cGMP-dependent protein kinase. BMC Pharmacology and Toxicology 2015 16(Suppl 1):A51....
However, the quest to solve the structures of the full-length, multidomain structural assemblies of the two key functional states (inhibited and catalytically active) of human PKGs is still in progress [4], [5]. Each PKG polypeptide is divided into two regions: a regulatory (R) region and...
Fragmentation of the labeled peptide in a collision cell by tandem mass spectrometry yields almost a full set of ions from which most of the peptide sequence can be derived. Two fragment peptides have masses consistent with the following known nonphosphorylated sequences, STLQGEPR and ASTLQGEPR....
PDA TR No. 56-治疗用蛋白质药用物质研发中与阶段相适当的质量体系和CGMP应用(API或生物活性成分)-2016(1).pdf36页VIP 内容提供方:忘了就好 大小:695.09 KB 字数:约19.97万字 发布时间:2021-09-15发布于上海 浏览人气:791 下载次数:仅上传者可见
During the past decade, our knowledge on the physiology, pathophysiology, basic pharmacology, and clinical pharmacology of the second messenger (cGMP) has