5. Decout A, et al. The cGAS-STING pathway as a therapeutic target in inflammatory diseases. Nat Rev Immunol. 2021 Sep;21(9):548-569. doi: 10.1038/s41577-021-00524-z. Epub 2021 Apr 8. PMID: 33833439.6. Xu P, et al. LXR agonists: new potential therapeutic drug for neurodegenerat...
3. Li, T., and Chen, Z.J. (2018). The cGAS-cGAMP-STING pathway connects DNA damage to inflammation, senescence, and cancer.J. Exp. Med.215, 1287–1299. 4. Sun, L., Wu, J., Du, F., Chen, X., and Chen,...
binds to host or pathogen cytoplasmic DNA, promotes the formation of the second messenger cGAMP (cyclic GMP-AMP), and triggers STING (stimulator of interferon genes) dependent downstream signaling. Here we briefly describe the latest progress of the cGAS-cGAMP-STING pathway and...
The role of cGAMP via the STING pathway in modulating germinal center responses and CD4 T cell differentiationdoi:10.3389/fimmu.2024.1340001T cell differentiationGERMINAL centersT helper cellsB cell differentiationANTIBODY formationGerminal center (GC) responses are essential for establ...
STING 通路(Pathway) Immunology/Inflammation--STING CAS号(CAS NO.) 2407516-83-8 分子式(Formula) C20H22N10Na2O13P2 分子量(Molecular Weight) 718.37 外观(Appearance) 粉末 纯度(Purity) ≥98% 溶解性(Solubility) 溶于DMSO 结构式(Structure)
相关实验验证数据请参见:Targeting the cGAS-STING Pathway Using a Homogenous, HTS Compatible Transcreener? cGAS Assay Transcreener cGAMP cGAS试剂盒优势: 操作简便,高通量,兼容96, 384和1536孔模式~ 出色的信号稳定性:24小时以上的信号依旧稳定性
关键词:天然免疫;cGAS;STING;信号转导中图分类号;R392 文献标志码:ATheStudyofcGAS-cGAMP-STING-mediatedTypeIInterferonsSignalingPathwayWuXiao-xia,LvSong-ya*(CollegeofLifeSciences,WuhanUniversity,HubeiWuhan430072)Abstract:Theinnateimmunesystemisthefirstlineforhostdefenseagainstinvadingpathogens.Inrecentyears,...
STING (stimulator of interferon ) to activate the production of type I interferons . The host resistance to DNA vims infection is mainly dependent on the cGAS -cGAMP -STING-mediated type I interferons signaling pathway . The study of cGAS -cGAMP-STING ...
tastasis. In-depth understanding of the relationship between the cGAS-cGAMP-STING signaling pathway and in- flammatory diseases, autoimmune diseases, and tumor developmen, as well as the current research status of STING agonists, will provide theoretical support for the treatment of clinically related...