当大量查询point-location,并且arrangement频繁改变的时候,建议使用Arr_trapezoid_ric_point_location。 下面的代码是第一,第三种算法point-location示例 #include<CGAL/Exact_predicates_exact_constructions_kernel.h>#include<CGAL/Arr_non_caching_segment_traits_2.h>#include<CGAL/Arrangement_2.h>#include<vector>#...
);// 2.建立AABB树,以后的定位都可以复用这棵树PMP::build_AABB_tree(CGAL_mesh, tree); }constPoint_3query(_x, _y, _z);//用传入的三维坐标初始化点LARGE_INTEGER tbg, tend, tfre;QueryPerformanceFrequency(&tfre);//开始计时QueryPerformanceCounter(&tbg); Face_location query_location = PMP::l...
step 1 - 将OpenMesh:TriMesh的mesh转化为CGAL:Surface_mesh<Point_3>的mesh step 2 - 将三个轴上的坐标转化成CGAL:Point step 3 - 调用PMP::locate() step 4 - CGAL:Face_location转化为OpenMesh:faceHandle remark : 输入的是OpenMesh类型的mesh,输出的是OpenMesh类型的FaceHandle,在过程中用到了CGAL的mesh。
CGAL的编译以及在VS中的使用 在被CGAL长久的折磨了两三周 在学习过程中有好几次库都出现了问题 所以...
Breaking change: The type of the result of point location queries has been changed to std::variant. Support for the old macro CGAL_ARR_POINT_LOCATION_VERSION has been removed. Breaking change: Eliminated the error-prone C-type casting that was used to define observers. In general, backward ...
Breaking change: The type of the result of point location queries has been changed tostd::variant. Support for the old macroCGAL_ARR_POINT_LOCATION_VERSIONhas been removed. Breaking change: Eliminated the error-prone C-type casting that was used to define observers. In general, backward compati...
The arrangement package has seen improvements for point location, rational functions and multi-part curves. It has also been extended with support for algebraic curves. This relies on several new packages that enable operations on (multivariate) polynomials and topology computation of such curves. ...
encapsulates naive point location queries within a sphere map |M|. The two template parameters are specified via concepts. |SM_decorator_| must be a model of the concept |SMDecorator| as described in the appendix. |Geometry_| must be a model of the concept ...
bool move(Vertex_handle v, const Point &p);// POINT LOCATIONFace_handlemarch_locate_1D(const Point& t, Locate_type& lt, int& li) const ;Face_handlemarch_locate_2D(Face_handle start,const Point& t,Locate_type& lt,int& li) const;...