// 若p->q不是border edge, 设t = target(next(p->q)),则p->q上方的面为p-q-t // 若q->p不是border edge, 设b = target(next(q->p)),则q->p下方的面为q-p-b // // 若k是t或者b,则p-q-k ★可能★是网格的一个面。 It won't be if k==t but p->q is border // 若p...
bool h.is_border() ; bool h.is_border_edge()判断h是否是border或者它的对边是否是border Halfedge_around_vetex_circulator h.vertex_begin()表示circulator of halfedges around the vertex (clockwise). Halfedge_around_facet_circulator h.facet_begin()表示circulator of halfedges around the facet (count...
CGAL_assertion(std::set<Node_id>(node_ids.begin(), node_ids.end()) .size()==node_ids.size() );//对边上的交点进行排序sort_vertices_along_hedge(node_ids,hedge,tm,vpm,nodes);//save original face and nodes for face of hedge (1)// 保存hedge的面的原始面和nodes(1)if( !is_border(...
()]; //remove both faces //make sure oppoEdge is not a border edge std::cerr<<"border halfedge="<<CGAL::is_border(oppoEdge,mesh)<<std::endl; CGAL::Euler::remove_face(oppoEdge,mesh); //add faces //1st std::vector<Vertex_index> first_index{correspondVertex,src,midVertex}, ...
timer.start();std::list<Vertex_handle>& main_border = mesh->main_border();if(main_border.empty()) { main_border = mesh->extract_longest_border(); }std::list<Vector_3 > spokes;//a circular linked listfor(std::list<Vertex_handle>::iterator it=main_border.begin(); it!=main_border...
Generic convenience functions for testing if an edge is a border edge, if a mesh is triangular, for conversion between models of different `FaceGraph` concepts, etc. Most functions are in the header file `<CGAL/boost/graph/helpers.h>` All functions are in the header file `<CGAL/boost/gra...
virtual bool is_one_to_one_mapping(const Adaptor& mesh, const Matrix& A, const Vector& Bu, const Vector& Bv); // Protected accessors protected: /// Get the object that maps the surface's border onto a 2D space. Border_param& get_border_parameterizer() { return m_borderParameterizer...
void SgpProp::createPlane(Vertex_handle ¢er, Polyhedron* mesh) { std::cout << " SgpProp::createPlane() begin!" <<std::endl; CGAL::Timer timer; timer.start(); std::list<Vertex_handle>& main_border = mesh->main_border(); if (main_border.empty()) { main_border = mesh->...
bool h.is_border() ; bool h.is_border_edge()判断h是否是border或者它的对边是否是border Halfedge_around_vetex_circulator h.vertex_begin()表示circulator of halfedges around the vertex (clockwise). Halfedge_around_facet_circulator h.facet_begin()表示circulator of halfedges around the facet (count...