纤维复合材料(FRP)主要有四种:碳纤维增强聚合物(CarbonFiberReinforcedPolymer,简称CFRP)、玻璃纤维增强聚合物(GlassFiberReinforcedPolymer,简称GFRP)、玄武岩纤维(简称BFRP)和芳纶纤维增强聚合物(AramidFiberReinforcedPolymer,简称AFRP)。建筑工程中使用的FRP材料中,纤维体积含量一般为60%~65%。 碳纤维(CarbonFiber)是纤维...
建筑材料GFRP GRP BFRP CFRP玻璃纤维玻璃钢钢筋复合玄武岩碳纤维混凝土钢筋价格 玻璃纤维钢筋由高强度玻璃纤维和极其耐用的树脂制成。玻璃纤维赋予棒强度,而树脂在苛刻的化学和碱性环境中赋予优异的耐腐蚀性。FRP棒显着提高了土木工程结构的寿命。 碳纤维复合钢筋是一种以碳纤维为增强材料,以环氧树脂为基体,经过拉挤成型...
Owing to these disadvantages, the use of FRP materials for retrofitting or strengthening of steel structure is increased. The main aim of this paper is to study the flexural behavior of artificially degraded steel I section externally bonded with GFRP, BFRP and CFRP using FEM.Kamane, S. K....
。∑间 8一矿 一 CFRP材料湿热老化性能及其尺寸加速效应试验与分析 长料恻磐长螫时间(秒172)图1.2两阶段水吸收模型 F培1.2Two—stagewaterabsorptionmodel1.2.4国内外研究现状 Sire等[16】通过将CFRP、BFRP、GFRP片材浸泡在碱溶液环境下研究其强度 退化规律,试验发现对于BFRP和GFRP,随着腐蚀时间的增加复合材料的抗拉...
Experimental Study on the Stress–Strain Behavior of Partially and Fully Wrapped Axially Loaded Square RC Columns Strengthened with BFRP This current research scenario focuses on strengthening and rehabilitation of RC columns by CFRP and GFRP. The ongoing study reveals a new class of natural... TK ...
根据CFRP筋材中所使用纤维种类的不同,FRP筋材主要分为碳纤维增强复合材料(Carbon FRP,CFRP)筋、玻璃纤维增强复合材料(Glass FRP,GFRP)筋、芳纶纤维增强复合材料(Aramid FRP,AFRP)筋和玄武岩纤维增强复合材料(Basalt FRP,BFRP)筋等。其中,CFRP筋材的综合性能最为优越,其强度、弹性模量、抗疲劳性能及耐久性均优于...
This article presents an experimental study on the tensile properties of carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) sheets, hybrid carbon/glass fiber reinforced polymer (C/GFRP) sheets and hybrid carbon/basalt fiber reinforced polymer (C/BFRP) sheets at different temperatures. The specimens of FRP ...
The result showed that the ultimate bearing capacity could be effectively improved by using high-performance cement and GFRP sheet. Dong et al. [34] conducted the research on FRP confined wood and found that compared with the normal wood specimens, the axial bearing capacity and stiffness of ...