options.cfg文件位于[服务器安装路径]/config目录下。每个设置都由一个逗号分隔的名称-值对表示,其中名称是该选项的名称,值是该选项的值。# 符表示注释。 注:大多数配置选项均可使用IBM® SPSS® Deployment Manager中的IBM SPSS Modeler Administration Console来进行更改,而不必使用此配置文件,但存在一些例外。
使用options.cfg 文件 options.cfg文件位于[server install path]/config目录中。 每个设置都由逗号分隔的“名称/值”对来表示,其中name是选项的名称,而value则是选项的值。 # 符表示注释。 注:可以使用IBM SPSS Deployment Manager中的IBM® SPSS® Modeler 管理控制台 通过使用IBM SPSS Modeler 管理控制台,可...
请问一下,运行cfg..请问一下,运行cfg文件后出现Valid options: 1 = Desktop, 2 = Couch, 3 = Classic是哪里错了呢?我用的是创意工坊地图先把自己的设置参数考出来,再加入大跳
我的googleappengine也包含在path环境变量中6.options 选择列表 例 6.1(SelectOptionAddIEFF.html) &...
Intlcfg.exe Command-Line Options The following command-line options are available for the International Settings Configuration Tool: Update language and locale settings intlcfg.exe[-all:language_name] [-uilang:language_name] [-uilangfallback:language_name] [-syslocale:language_name][-userlocale:la...
(at Stock Options Channel we call this theYieldBoost), for a total of 14% annualized rate in the scenario where the stock is not called away. Any upside above $50 would be lost if the stock rises there and is called away, but CFG shares would have to advance 7.9% from current ...
This often serves as the landing page for information about which target_* configuration options are available. Mention that rustc can print the exact options available for each target.
Intlcfg.exe Command-Line Options Examples The International Settings Configuration Tool (Intlcfg.exe) is used to change the language and locale, fonts, and input settings to a Windows image. Typically, you run Intlcfg.exe after applying one or more language packs to your Windows image. You ...
As is normal in the Net.Cfg file, the sectioncontinues until the next unindented line. (In other words, alllinesin the Link Driver section should be indented by one or more spacesor tabs.)PDEther ignores case, extra white space, and comments when readingNet.Cfg. Comments begin with...
66407 - 2015.4 Vivado IP Flows - Generating Output products (OOC per IP) on a hierarchical IP fails with [exportsim-Tcl-66] failed to open file to write (export_sim_options.cfg) Description I generate the output products for my design by selecting the Block Design in the hierarchy view ...