Hello after finishing my simulation, the postprocessing component failed to show the model, showing the following error: CFD-Post Application Error ERROR File 'C:BrownWorkHeatProjectsingle phase coolingzigzag_filesdp0FLU-2FluentSYS-1.1-2-01645.dat.gz' do
I am using Ansys Fluent 18.1 Student version. It was running all good earlier. But now when I try to open "Results" for post-processing in workbench , the following error message pops up. Anybody have idea what is wrong and hot to fix it? System.ApplicationException: Application failed to...
Hello there!When trying to do some CFD post processing, I got an error that said the application failed to connect. Below is a picture of the full error message. As per another thread from someone else with the same issue, I tried to open CFDpost.exe by
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CFD-Post Application Error WARNING ISO CLIP: XXXClip Could not locate Domain List entry /DATA READER/CASE:Case FFF/Domain:xxx ERROR No locators provided in Location parameter. Solution that worked for me: I changed the domain that the Iso Clip was referencing from All Domains to All FFF Doma...
When I update the tree and click CFD-post to open it, it throws me following error: I have also attached image file. Code: CFD-Post Application Error ERROR Error reading file 'C:\Users\rushi\Documents\fhjhj_files\dp0\FFF\Fluent\FFF.flprj': Reason: The run contains transient output ...
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Hi everyone, I have the newest release of ANSYS (2020 R1) and I recently set up a case for heat transfer in a cube. I was able to set up the case and run it without any errors. Furthermore, I am able to visualize the results within the Solution tab of Fl
When I do so, I get this error: CFD-Post Application Error ERROR File 'path-to-workbench-filesdp0FFFFluentFFF-1-00200.dat.gz' does not exist or is not readable. As far as I could discover from my online searches, this may be due to some permission errors or some weird characters ...
CFD Post Error #1 lycoming New Member Join Date: May 2013 Posts: 5 Rep Power:13 When opening CFD Post I'm getting the following error: "Application Error in CFD-Post: ERROR No locators provided in Location parameter." I'm still able to post process the results, but I haven't had any...