Hello after finishing my simulation, the postprocessing component failed to show the model, showing the following error: CFD-Post Application Error ERROR File 'C:BrownWorkHeatProjectsingle phase coolingzigzag_filesdp0FLU-2FluentSYS-1.1-2-01645.dat.gz' do
I am using Ansys Fluent 18.1 Student version. It was running all good earlier. But now when I try to open "Results" for post-processing in workbench , the following error message pops up. Anybody have idea what is wrong and hot to fix it? System.ApplicationException: Application failed to...
cfdpost是一款软件,可能由于文件太大或文件类型不支持,导致cfdpost在读取文件时出现错误。如果遇到cfdpost error reading file的问题,可以尝试以下解决方法: - 检查文件是否存在:确保文件存在于指定的路径中,并且文件名拼写正确。 - 检查文件格式:确保文件格式与cfdpost支持的格式兼容。 - 检查文件大小:如果文件太大,...
Hello there!When trying to do some CFD post processing, I got an error that said the application failed to connect. Below is a picture of the full error message. As per another thread from someone else with the same issue, I tried to open CFDpost.exe by
用Ansys 里面 Results (也就是CFD-Post) 读入 cas 文件时报错,提示 ERROR Error reading solution ...
在 cfd-post 中, table viewer, 要 得到/算出 面/线/点 上的一个值,如面平均,最大等,需要先选 function,如面平均,选中会有 “=areaAve()@”,在括号中填入 variable(变量), 如“velocity”,在 @后选 location(你想选的位置 - 面/线/点)。然后就能得到所需值。祝好运。
Cannot read data in CFD-Post: Error “The run ‘RunTransient’ in simulation ‘Simulation’ contains…” April 15, 2022 at 2:55 pm duarterocha17 Subscriber Hello. I created an export CDAT for CFD-Post to read the files in CFD-Post, as it follows. April ...
When trying to load any intermediate time step (case or data file) separately in CFD post, it brings an error that the case file can't be loaded. I am only successful in loading the final time step and of course the previous time steps are not loaded then. When I try to open ...