cam_run4( cam_out, cam_in, rstwr, nlend, & yr_spec, mon_spec, day_spec, sec_spec ) ! consists of all the restart output, history writes, and other file output. cam_final( cam_out, cam_in ) !finalization 感觉可能比较重要的 use camsrfexch, only: cam_out_t, cam_in_t type(...
run_sys_tests No longer need 'from __future__ import print_function' May 13, 2020 13:00 CTSM Overview and resources The Community Terrestrial Systems Model. This includes the Community Land Model (CLM5.0 and CLM4.5) of the Community Earth System Model. For documentation, qui...
RUN_TYPE = hybrid RUN_REFCASE = f.e21.FHIST_BGC.f09_025.CAM6assim.011 RUN_REFDIR = where the restart file set has been decompressed RUN_REFDATE = the YYYY-MM-DD chosen as the date of the initial condition data. This can be a different year and day from the desired start date, ...
Run mkdir~/.cime nano~/.cime/config and then paste the contents below to the text editor: [main]CIME_MODEL= cesmPROJECT=CHARGE_ACCOUNT=MAIL_USER=COMPILER= intelMPILIB= psmpiINPUT_DIR= /p/scratch/cslts/shared_data/rlmod_CLM_UCAR/inputdataMAIL_TYPE= ...
Table 1. Onset dates of SSW events and the corresponding type of the stratospheric polar vortex (S indicates a vortex split and D indicates a vortex displacement) in the JRA55 reanalysis (1958–2015) and in the CESM1-WACCM and CESM2-WACCM historical run (1850–2005/2014). JRA55 17 Jan...