其中entity1,entity2, ... 是你想从module_name中导入的具体变量、函数、子程序等的名称。 type()是用来声明用户自定义数据类型(User-Defined Data Type,简称 UDT 或 derived type)的一种语法结构。在 Fortran 中,type关键字用于定义一个新的复合数据类型。 例如,你可以定义一个名为Person的类型,它包含了姓名...
git version 2.34.1 Apache Subversion Installation# Install Apache HTTP Web serversudo apt install apache2 apache2-utils -y# Start the Apache servicesudo systemctl start apache2# Enable the service to start on system bootsudo systemctlenableapache2# Install all required dependenciessudo apt-get ins...
/bin/sh#$camcfg/configure --help#$camcfg/configure -dyn fv -hgrid 10x15 -nosmp -nospmd -test -ice sice -ocn socn -lnd slnd -rof srof -cam_bld /home/qianqf/camtest/fuck -cc icc -debug -fc ifort -fc_type intel -target_os linux#$camcfg/configure -dyn fv -hgrid 4x5 -no...
The restart file sets can be used to start a simple hindcast by decompressing one of them into an accessible “REFDIR” directory and setting CESM’s env_run.xml: CONTINUE_RUN = FALSE RUN_TYPE = hybrid RUN_REFCASE = f.e21.FHIST_BGC.f09_025.CAM6assim.011 RUN_REFDIR = where the re...
https://github.com/ESCOMP/CTSM/wiki/Quick-start-to-CTSM-development-with-git and https://github.com/ESCOMP/ctsm/wiki/Recommended-git-setup For support with model use, troubleshooting, etc., please use the CTSM forum (or other appropriate forum) here: https://xenforo.cgd.ucar.edu/cesm...
3.2.2Settingthecaseinitializationtype...21 3.3Settingcomponent-specificvariables...22 3.3.1CAMvariables...23 3.3.2CLMvariables...24 3.3.3CICEvariables... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Add line: setenv IDL_STARTUP ~fvitt/idl_startup ~fvitt/idl_startup sets the idl path to include GEOV: idl_path = expand_path('+~fvitt/geov') !path=!path+':'+idl_path >source .cshrc >idl geov View model output on yellowstone: > cd /glade/scratch/$USER/archive > idl geov...
The positive height anomalies in both vortex displacement and split SSWs start to appear several days before the SSW onset date, consistent with the deceleration of circumpolar westerlies in Figure 5. The polar height anomalies reach maxima soon after the SSW onset in JRA55, which are also well...
[start_index:end_index] dr_final = np.empty(np.shape(dr)) for i in range(len(dr_final[:, 0, 0])): dr_final[i, :, :] = np.squeeze(dr[i, :, :]) * np.exp(attenuation[i] * (-ice_thickness)) # total_ice = np.count_nonzero(np.where(ice_thickness > 0)) # per = ...
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