这里我设置RESUBMIT为6,那么在模式跑完第一个2年后,模式会自动提交,接着跑两年,结束后再次自动提交,那么最终我们的模式跑了2+(6*2)=14年。 REST_N和REST_OPTION这两个量也是配合起来看的,因为模式再重新提交之后它需要读取restart文件,才可以继续往下跑。这两个设置就是设置restar...
cam_run3( cam_out ) ! For some dycores this will be the actual dynamics run, for others the dynamics happens before physics in phase 1. cam_run4( cam_out, cam_in, rstwr, nlend, & yr_spec, mon_spec, day_spec, sec_spec ) ! consists of all the restart output, history writes,...
$ sudo chmod +x ./build.sh# 执行计算$ mpirun -n36./xhpl_intel64_dynamic# 多节点mpirun -hosts cn1,cn2,cn3,cn4 -np36-ppn4/opt/intel/oneapi/mkl/2022.1.0/benchmarks/mp_linpack/xhpl_intel64_dynamic## ---$ wget https://registrationcenter-download.intel.com/akdlm/irc_nas/18679/l_H...
- To prestage restarts, untar a restart.tar file into / 你的目录 /cesm1_0_3/mycases/case_run/test//run - Create modelio namelist input files CCSM BUILDNML SCRIPT HAS FINISHED SUCCESSFULLY --- CCSM PRESTAGE SCRIPT STARTING - CCSM input data directory, DIN_LOC_ROOT_CSMDATA, is /inputdata...
RUN_REFDIR = where the restart file set has been decompressed RUN_REFDATE = the YYYY-MM-DD chosen as the date of the initial condition data. This can be a different year and day from the desired start date, but should be in the same month. RUN_REFTOD = 00000 The restart file sets...
(note: there will be no monthly values available if you just run for 5 days) long-time archive your job if needed (do not archive what you don’t need for a long time ) >*.l_archive namelist information restart information 12 How do I change model output?Review list of current CAM...
run the *.clean_build script before building 然后 > ./test.new_intel.build 会产生以下信息: --- CCSM BUILDNML SCRIPT STARTING - To prestage restarts, untar a restart.tar file into / 你的目录 /cesm1_0_3/mycases/case_run/test//run - Create modelio namelist input files CCSM BUILDNML ...