cesium-terrain-server的使用: 这个插件的目的就是下载一个docker镜像到本地。 所以建议直接使用 https://hub.docker.com/r/geodata/cesium-terrain-server/ 中的指导进行。 如果你比较懂go,也可以使用下载的git中的go进行编译,运行。
docker run -p 8080:8000 -v /data/docker/tilesets/terrain:/data/tilesets/terrain \ geodata/cesium-terrain-server Note that if the/data/tilesets/terraindirectory is not present on the container the terrain server will fail to run, as this is where it expects to find subdirectories representi...
$ cesium-terrain-server: -base-terrain-url="/tilesets": base url prefix under which all tilesets are served -cache-limit=1.00MB: the memory sizeinbytes beyond which resources are not cached. Other memory units can be specified by suffixing the number with kB, MB, GB or TB -dir="."...
cesium-terrain-server -dir /data/tilesets/terrain -port 8080 The tiles would then be available underhttp://localhost:8080/tilesets/srtm/(e.g.http://localhost:8080/tilesets/srtm/0/0/0.terrainfor the root tile). This URL, for instance, is what you would use when configuringCesiumTerrainPr...
var terrainProvider = new Cesium.ArcGisImageServerTerrainProvider({ url : 'https://elevation.arcgisonline.com/ArcGIS/rest/services/WorldElevation/DTMEllipsoidal/ImageServer', token : 'KED1aF_I4UzXOHy3BnhwyBHU4l5oY6rO6walkmHoYqGp4XyIWUd5YZUC1ZrLAzvV40pR6gBXQayh0eFA8m6vPg..', proxy : new ...
CesiumJS spiveygb October 25, 2013, 6:27pm 1 I am trying to get terrain data from our ArcGIS Server 10.1 (no proxy req'd) and combine it with our imagery. I set it up using: [code] var esriTerrainProvider = new Cesium.ArcGisImageServerTerrainProvider({ url: http://services.ncone...
Cesium Terrain Server This page describes the format and layout of the terrain data hosted at: http://cesiumjs.org/smallterrain/Note: the above URL will return "403 - Forbidden" because browsing is not supported.The terrain server is still very much a work in progress, so the format can ...
A basic server for serving up filesystem based tilesets representing Cesium.js terrain models - geo-data/cesium-terrain-server
geo-data / cesium-terrain-server Public Notifications Fork 111 Star 268 Code Issues 19 Pull requests 4 Actions Projects Wiki Security Insights Automate your workflow from idea to production GitHub Actions makes it easy to automate all your software workflows, now with world-class CI/...
Merge branch 'nginx' of github.com:geo-data/cesium-terrain-server int… … Homme Zwaagstra committed Feb 26, 2015 8e416fd Enable static resources to be served up using the -web-dir option … Homme Zwaagstra committed Feb 26, 2015 f1f8b6f Enable static resources to be served up...