2、make install cesium-terrain-server的使用: 这个插件的目的就是下载一个docker镜像到本地。 所以建议直接使用 https://hub.docker.com/r/geodata/cesium-terrain-server/ 中的指导进行。 如果你比较懂go,也可以使用下载的git中的go进行编译,运行。
Cesium Terrain Server This provides a Docker container for runningCesium Terrain Server. It is capable of serving custom terrain tilesets with the option of also servingCesium.jsclient side assets: it comes bundled with Cesium.js. This makes it a suitable platform for using in the development of...
$ cesium-terrain-server: -base-terrain-url="/tilesets": base url prefix under which all tilesets are served -cache-limit=1.00MB: the memory sizeinbytes beyond which resources are not cached. Other memory units can be specified by suffixing the number with kB, MB, GB or TB -dir="."...
处理完后同样在Test文件夹下新建一个terrain文件夹存放地形数据,原地图数据可新建一个map文件夹保存。terrain文件夹内文件如图所示。 在nginx的conf目录下找到nginx.conf修改配置文件,在server函数中添加 ocation /terrain { alias C:/Users/Lenovo/Desktop/Test/data/terrain; autoindex on; autoindex_localtime on; }...
geo-data/cesium-terrain-server(Cesium地形服务,许久未更新)https://github.com/geo-data/cesium-terrain-server mattshax/cesium_pnt_generator(点云数据转3dtiles)https://github.com/mattshax/cesium_pnt_generator openlayers/ol-cesium: (OpenLayers + Cesium集成)https://github.com/openlayers/ol-cesium ...
$ cesium-terrain-server: -base-terrain-url="/tilesets": base url prefix underwhichall tilesets are served -cache-limit=1.00MB: the memory sizeinbytes beyondwhichresources are not cached. Other memory units can be specified by suffixing the number with kB, MB, GB or TB -dir=".": the...
原文链接:https://www.mvrlink.com/cesium-terrain-service/ 1 数据切片 目前遥感影像及数字高程模型切片主要包括 gdal 和 ctb 两种方式,相应的开源工具包可以在Cesium 交流群(QQ 群:115883691)中下载到。最近在进行 Cesium 本地影像与地形服务发布时,发现一款软件Cesiumlab。Cesiumlab 是一款专为 Cesium 开源数字地...
More recently, the need for a custom terrain server has come back and what I had worked on is finally being put to use. We have encountered some problems that we were not getting before, however. I believe our terrain server is setup correctly, but we are getting er… Failed to ...