The system consists of a rectangular plate (1) with elongated oval holes (2) for anchoring screws (5) which can also be used for distraction of the vertebrae. The plate is curved in both longitudinal and sagittal planes which correspond to the anatomy of the cervical section of the spine....
Your spine is made of 24 moveable bones called vertebrae. The cervical (neck) section of the spine supports the weight of your head (approximately 10 pounds) and allows you to bend your head forward and backward, from side to side, and rotate 180 degrees. There are 7 cervical vertebrae nu...
Creating a passageway for vertebral arteries:Vertebral arteries carry blood to the brain via small holes in the cervical spine that provide them with a safe passageway to facilitate blood flow. This is the only section of the spine that has these openings. The cervical spine is one of the mos...
The cervical region is the upper part of the spine, which begins directly below the skull. Problems with the cervical region often...
1.something curved or a curved part of a thing 2.(Anatomy) any normal or abnormal curving of a bodily part:curvature of the spine. 3.(Mathematics)geometrythe change in inclination of a tangent to a curve over unit length of arc. For a circle or sphere it is the reciprocal of the rad...
section called the vertebral arch. Except for the first vertebra, each vertebral arch has a bony projection called the spinous process. On each side of the spinous process is a flat piece of bone called a lamina. The vertebral arch o...
European spine journal: official publication of the European Spine Society, the European Spinal Deformity Society, and the European Section of the Cervical ... Satake,Kanemura,Matsumoto,... - European spine journal: official publication of the European Spine Society, the European Spinal Deformity Soc...
The pulley is attached to the curved section of the frame, the cord extending through the pulley between the halter and the tensioner assembly. A device for measuring the tension in the cord is also disclosed. The measuring device (48) is coupled to the cord and has an indicator to signal...
The spinal cord had become thin and soft and a small cavity 0. 5 cm in diameter was evident. (Fig 3). Figure 1 Case 2. Hemisection of the cervical spine of a 55 year old man who was injured in a motorcycle accident. Complete rupture of the anterior longitudinal ligament and interver...
1 In the cervical spine, the anterior portion of the disc is thicker (by roughly one-third), and the annulus fibrosus is thicker in the posterior section (compared with the lumbar spine), which results in this part of the spine having a lordotic curve.1 When the cervical disc has a ...