The cervical spine (neck region) is one of the most important and agile parts of your body. It begins at the base of the skull and consists of 7 bones separated by intervertebral discs that allow the spine to move freely. The neck has the greatest amount of movement of any area of the...
Your spine has three main segments, top to bottom: Cervical Thoracic Lumbar The top seven vertebrae in yourspineare the cervical vertebrae. The cervical area of your spinal cord also contains nerves that connect to your arms, hands, and upper body. Cervical disks cushion the cervical vertebrae....
NecLoc® Extrication is designed for restriction of movement of the cervical spine. Category: Pre-hospital and extrication collars Stout, XS, S, M, L Universal Abdominal Binder The Universal Abdominal Binder is designed to gently support the abdominal area. Category: Rib Universal Universal Elastic...
Supporting the head and allowing for its range of motion:The averageweightof an adult head is between 10 and 13 pounds, and your cervical spine supports this weight while also allowing the head to move freely. Your cervical spine gives your neck the flexibility to move forward or backward or...
the area of the neck bounded by the mandible, the anterior border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle, and the anterior midline of the neck; it is subdivided into carotid, muscular, submandibular, and submental triangles. Synonym(s):regio cervicalis anterior[TA],anterior triangle of neck☆ ,trigo...
The cervical region is the upper part of the spine, which begins directly below the skull. Problems with the cervical region often...
Compressive strength in the width direction is large, excellent in fit as possible the formation of the opening of the large area to provide a cervical protection zone shock absorption performance in the vertical edge is excellent in sense of touch and the lower jaw such high to. An engage...
A wearing away of the cartilage surfaces of the spinal bones (vertebrae) of the neck. This is commonest in middle age and causes persistent pain, neck stiffness and sometimes tenderness on pressure over the affected area. See alsoSPONDARTHRITIS,SPONDYLITIS. ...
It has been generally supposed that the dorsal funiculi occupy a relatively larger part of the highest segments of the spinal cord in man than in any other primate. We have taken planimetric measurements of the total area of the cord, dorsal funiculi, and total gray in the uppermost segments...
During cervical artificial disc replacement surgery, you will lie on your back on an operating table and be put into a deep sleep (general anesthesia). Once you are asleep, your neck area will be washed and a clean (sterile) sheet will be taped around your neck. A cut (incisio...