Kathleen is a Level 1 Zen Yoga instructor. She has been a student of dance and meditative movement all her life. She is an accredited Reiki Master and instructor of the Lebed Method Healthy Steps. She has danced with the Flock Dance Troup, Gabrille Roth, and Emily Conrad. She is a Lic...
(Note) Identity Name Instructor or above in Department of Business/Legal/Finance/ Accounting or Other Company Affairs-related subjects at Public/Private University/College Judge, Prosecutor, Lawyer, CPA or Professional or Technician with Certificate of National Examination Relating to Other Company ...
Welcome to SeaFit Wellness Posture Alignment Specialist, ATCQA Certified Tai Chi Instructor, Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Practical Pilates Instructor A Little About Us Mauris blandit aliquet elit, eget tincidunt nibh pulvinar a nulla p