Both intra- and inter-rater reliability were moderate to high for both intelligibility and naturalness. Speech intelligibility and naturalness were robustly decreased in the ataxia group compared to the control group; however, the difference was greater for measures of speech naturalness. There were ...
Related to Cerebellar ataxia:cerebellar atrophy a·tax·i·a (ə-tăk′sē-ə) n. 1.Loss of the ability to coordinate muscular movement. 2.Any of various degenerative, often hereditary, disorders that are characterized by ataxia and are frequently associated with cerebellar atrophy. ...
Ataxiais derived from the Greek, meaning “without order”; as such it is a broad, nonspecific description. People with ataxia show movements that are impaired in terms of their timing, extent, and variability. Abnormalities in timing can occur between effectors (e.g., between the eye and he...
The disease Ataxia Telangiectasia (A-T) is autosomal recessively inherited, shows a prevalence of 1:100,000 inhabitants, manifests in childhood and shortens lifespan to 25 years on average [1,2,3]. The diagnostic initial signs include problems of balance (ataxia) and speech, together with un...
沪江词库精选hereditary cerebellar ataxia是什么意思、英语单词推荐、用法及解释 遗传性小脑性共济失调,马里氏共济失调 英语解释 nervous disorder of late childhood and early adulthood; characterized by ataxic gait and hesitating or explosive speech and nystagmus ...
Ataxia is a neurological disorder characterized by clinical abnormalities of balance, gait, extremity, eye movement, and impaired speech due to degeneration of the cerebellum and its connections [1,2,3,4]. It may be divided into three types: sporadic, acquired, and inherited ataxias [4,5,6]...
Parametric analysis of Cerebellar Ataxia (CA) could be of immense value compared to its subjective clinical assessments. This study focuses on a comprehensive scheme for objective assessment of CA through the instrumented versions of 9 commonly used neurological tests in 5 domains- speech, upper limb...
agenesis; cerebellar ataxia; polymicrogyria; CUB and Sushi multiple domains 1 gene1. Introduction Cerebellar ontogenesis is orchestrated by a complex interaction of cell-autonomous programs and environmental factors (for a review, see [1]). The development of the cerebellum extends for a long period...
In addition, ten cases (52.6%) showed cerebellar ataxia, mainly presenting as unstable gait and cerebellar tremor. Five cases (26.3%) developed different degrees of hearing loss. Clinical and Brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging Features in a Cohort of Chinese Patients with Kearns-Sayre Syndrome Developi...
2.共济失调Ataxia:克制或消除肌肉活动时的“惰性”不良(小脑半球病变) (1)意向性震颤Intensiontremor:运动时出现,静止时消失。临 床检查显示指鼻试验与跟膝胫试验不稳。 (2)快复动作不良:当轮流向相反方向迅速运动时出现,例如 患者不能迅速地将手由旋前改为旋后,动作不稳且不正确。