Let’s say we have a more complicated shape that we can turn into a compound shape (i.e. divide it into smaller primary shapes). If we know how to find the centroids for each of the individual shapes, we can find the compound shape’s centroid using the formula: Where: xi is the ...
However, natural clusters can be of all shapes and sizes. The presence of outliers possesses a challenge in the modeling of k-means clustering. The simplicity of the k-means clustering technique makes it a great choice for quick evaluation of globular clusters and as a preprocessing technique ...
The basic shapes of geometryaresquares, rectangles, circlesandtriangles,as well astrapezoids, rhombuses, stars, hexagons, octagonsandovals.You can use any of these shapes — or sections of these shapes — to construct a compound shape. You can have a compound shape that consists of a semi-...