This type of normalization can be very useful when features that take frequency values are combined with other features in audio analysis tasks. Sign in to download full-size image Returning to the spectral centroid, it can be observed that higher values correspond to brighter sounds. In Figure ...
combinedwith the volume of fluid multiphase flow model and the rigid body six degreesof freedom motion calculation model is used to carry out the supercavitating vehiclemotion and supercavitating flow field coupling numerical simulation research forsupercavitating vehicles with different cavitator shapes. Th...
Coordinate Generation: Based on the angle 𝜑φ between the principal axis of grayscale distribution and the X-axis, the 4 positional parameters from step 1 are combined into endpoint coordinates [𝑥,𝑦]𝑡1x,yt1 and [𝑥,𝑦]𝑡2x,yt2. Note that at this stage, it is still not ...
Combined with a point cloud projected from the boundary of the cliff section to the water surface, we developed a calculation method for the optimal shoreline position. Our experiment proved that the method could effectively extract the shoreline of the study area. Moreover, compared with that of...