This Irish saga, from before the ninth Century A.D., is an account of the epic battle between the mythical Tuatha De Danann and Fomoire for Ireland. It has deep roots in Indo-European mythology, told with Homeric grace and bawdy humor. There are many allusions to ancient pre-Christian C...
Scáthach, (Gaelic: “The Shadowy One”), in Celtic mythology, female warrior, especially noted as a teacher of warriors. Scáthach was the daughter of Árd-Greimne of Lethra. She lived on an island (thought to be the Isle of Skye) in an impregnable castle, the gate of which was gua...
Celtic Goddess Brigid | History, Symbols & Mythology Macha, Celtic War Goddess | Mythology, Powers & Depictions Belenus, the Celtic God of Fire | Mythology, Cults & Facts Epona, Goddess of Horses | History, Role & Mythologies Sulis, Goddess of Celtic Mythology | Characteristics & Depictions ...
their accompanying inscriptions, belong to the Roman period and reflect a considerable degree of syncretism between Celtic and Roman gods; even where figures and motifs appear to derive from pre-Roman tradition, they are difficult to interpret in the absence of a preserved literature on mythology. ...
Both cultures had their own mythology, legends of 'little people' and famous heros, and a belief that animate and inanimate things could posess spiritual power. They both revered the natural forces of their world, with gods and goddesses relevant to that. They both understood their place in th...
The future fertility and prosperity of the kingdom depended upon the king mating with the sovereignty of the land. In Irish mythology, there were a number of women or goddesses who were the Sovereignty of Ireland. Among them were Morrigan (and her triple aspects as the goddess of war – B...
Lugh: Tales of the Trickster God Lugh, god of mischief, was a trickster god in Celtic mythology. He was also called Lugh of the Long Arm, and he was also the god of kings, justice, and rulership. He was also a cunning and skilled warrior and was involved in many gifts in Celtic ...
Celtics covers the Drama, Legends, History and Mythology of the Celtic people, for example, as they fought the unethical, immoral, greedy, corrupt, Roman Empire. Consequently the Roman Empire fell due to greed, corruption and the lies and unethical behavior done to get money. ...
Occasionally, the heroes of Celtic mythology were semi-divine. For example,Cú Chulainnwas portrayed as the son of a human woman and the god Lugh. Another example is Owain the son of Urien from Welsh mythology; although a historical figure, one story portrays him as the son of the divine ...
Boudica Warrior Queen of Iceni Holding Spear Blowing Celtic Horn Statue Ebros Celtic Mythology Polytheism Cernunnos Horned God Statue by Artist Maxine Miller 18 inches Tall Add $9999current price $99.99Ebros Celtic Mythology Polytheism Cernunnos Horned God Statue by Artist Maxine Miller 18 inches...