Celtic warriors used shields in battle. Because of this, to many people the shield is a Celtic symbol for strength, resolve and protection. Knots and other Celtic symbols often adorn Celtic shields. The most famous Celtic shield is perhaps the Battersea Shield. Shields take many forms. Some ar...
The Celtic warriors were among the greatest that history has ever witnessed – known to be strong and challenging, both physically and mentally. symbols for strength have been a very famous symbolic representation of power and endurance, be it at a physical or a mental level. They were the so...
Andraste was the Iceni’s Celtic goddess of war. Her name may mean “unconquerable” or “victory”. The Romans wrote the Iceni tribe sacrificed Roman warriors to Andraste. But keep in mind what we know of the Iceni tribe and Andraste was written...
Celtic warriors, Celts Bulgaria, Celts Croatia, Celts Eastern Europe, Celts in Bulgaria, Celts in Romania, Celts in Serbia, Celts Poland, Celts Romania, Celts Serbia, Celts Slovenia, Celts Turkey, Celts Ukraine, Danubian Celts, Eastern Celts, Galatia, Kingdoms of the Forgotten, Scordisci, Thra...
‘lighiche’ a physician) skilled in medical craft. Below these learned classes were the freemen, labourers and slaves, their lives a drudgery contrasting with those of the warriors, who spent their lives hunting and fighting for sport or in battle, activities central to their aristocratic ...
Scáthach, (Gaelic: “The Shadowy One”), in Celtic mythology, female warrior, especially noted as a teacher of warriors. Scáthach was the daughter of Árd-Greimne of Lethra. She lived on an island (thought to be the Isle of Skye) in an impregnable castle, the gate of which was gua...
back many hundreds of years. The wise men, Druids in the Celtic world, and Kahunas in Hawaii, were keepers of knowledge, genaeology, history, and were healers and experts in certain fields. Both cultures were practised in the art of tattooing, and had a reputation as fierce warriors. ...
1920x1080 Ancient Greek Warriors Wallpaper"> Get Wallpaper 2576x2576 The 13 Months of the Celtic Tree Calendar"> Get Wallpaper 1024x768 Josephine Wall Fantasy Art. Art for your wallpaper: [FANTASY ART] [PAINTING] Josephine Wall. Fantasy art illustrations, Josephine wall, Celtic gods">...
Lugh was a god of many things, and his most famous name was Lugh of the Long Arm, given to him because of his powerful spear, the Spear of Assal, in battle. He was a good warrior and had an intelligent mind, which he often used for various tricks. He was known as a Celtic trick...
, a huge club that had the power both to kill men and to restore them to life, the Cauldron of Plenty (the coire ansic, or cauldron which is never dry), sometimes referred to as the Undry. It was never empty of food and could also be used to restore life to fallen warriors....