To define neighborhood structure for the Markov random field model, we created a spatial network with k = 15 nearest neighbors. For clustering, we used default settings (t-distributed error model with 50,000 Markov chain Monte Carlo iterations and a burn-in period of 1,000 iterations) ...
To characterize the morphology of the F-Cell and its interaction with the tactile organ at higher resolution, we performed 3D rendering of the bristle structure using serial block face scanning electron microscopy (SBF-SEM)38 at different timepoints during differentiation (Extended Data Fig. 8a, Su...
DataMiningStructure DataMiningViewer Datapager DataRepeater DataServer DatasetReference DataSource DataSourceReference DataSourceTarget Datasourceview DataTable DateTimeAxis Datetimepicker DebugCheckedTests DebugHistorySeekToFrame DebugInteractiveWindow DebugSelection DebugTemplate DebugXSLT DecisionNode DecisionTree De...
Cultured HBMEC derived from 20- to 30-year-old male and female donors were treated for 20 h with medium supplemented with tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFα; 20 ng/ml), thrombin (THR; 2 U/ml), or vehicle (i.e., control). MV were isolated from the conditioned media by high-...
FACS cell cycle labels from Hoesct flow sorting were used to annotate cells along three phases: G1, S, and G2/M. Individual cell FASTQ files were aligned to the mouse reference genome mm10 with the STAR v2.7.7 aligner. A loom file containing spliced and unspliced molecular counts was ...
5a are consistent with the notion that the tumors lacking clear neural lineage structure have undergone mesenchymal transformation. However, this analysis also highlights crucial distinctions among these tumors. First, as has been recognized from bulk expression analysis of GBM, mesenchymal gene expression...
scMM [38] leverages a MoE multimodal VAE [87] to explore the latent dimensions that associate with multimodal regulatory programs. Multimodality module―modality matching dance.modules.multi_modality.match_modality.scmogcn The overall structure of scMoGNN in the modality matching task is the same as...
StructureShortcut StyleBlock 樣式 表 SubReport SubReportParamater 標 Substitution SubtractFront SubtractMember SubtractMemberFormula SuggestedActionsExpander 摘要 SummaryView 標 SwitchFolders SwitchSourceOrTarget SwitchToDataView SwitchToDesignMode SwitchToPreview SymlinkFile SymmetricKey SymmetricKeyError SymmetricKey...
5a, SpatialScope correctly assigned cell type labels and captured the three-layer architecture (molecular layer, Purkinje cell layer and granular layer) of the cerebellum53, 54; these high resolution single-cell level results are consistent with spot-level RCTD results14. Other methods produced ...
We report a hierarchical structure of postnatal cell type relationships, with location providing the highest level of organization, then neurotransmitter status, family, and finally, dozens of refined populations. We validate a combinatorial marker code for each neuronal cell type and map their spatial...