2022 年,细胞出版社旗下 4 本期刊实现了影响力的大幅提升,其中生命科学期刊Cancer Cell影响因子(Impact Factor,后用 IF 代替)上涨幅度最高(30.36%),IF 达到 50.3;Cell Reports Physical Science涨幅次之(13.64%),最新 IF 达到 8.9。关...
Research Impact Score*:9.1 Impact Factor:11.7 SCIMAGO SJR:4.276 SCIMAGO H-index:50 Research Ranking(Biology and Biochemistry)102 Research Ranking(Medicine)214 Number of Best scientists*:232 Documents by best scientists*:184 Journal Information ...
Cell Reports Medicine是细胞出版社旗下的一本开放获取的医学期刊,创刊于2020年4月,发表临床转化研究和生物医学领域的前沿研究,2021年12月被SCI Expanded (SCIE) 收录。今年6月,Cell Reports Medicine获得了首个半影响因子(partial impact factor)16.988分。 截至2022年6月底,共有11篇来自中国研究团队的成果发表在Cell...
其中交叉科学期刊Heliyon增幅最高,生命科学期刊Structure和医学期刊Cell Reports Medicine增幅次之。值得关注的是,中国学者在影响因子(Impact Factor,后用I)50.30分的Cancer Cell上发表的论文增幅高达160%,在One Earth、Cell Host & Microbe、Chem Catalysis等高影响力期刊上的发文量也都较上一年增加了至少1倍。 中国学...
Cell Reports Medicineis a premium open-access journal from Cell Press publishing cutting-edge research in translational and clinical biomedical sciences that inform and influence human health and medicine. The content published inCell Reports Medicinereaches a broad range of scientists and … ...
Cell Reports Medicine is a premium open-access journal from Cell Press publishing cutting-edge research in translational and clinical biomedical sciences that inform and influence human health and medicine. The content published in Cell Reports Medicine reaches a broad range of scientists and clinicians...
Read the latest articles of Cell Reports Medicine at ScienceDirect.com, Elsevier’s leading platform of peer-reviewed scholarly literature
documents published in that journal. The chart shows the evolution of the average number of times documents published in a journal in the past two, three and four years have been cited in the current year. The two years line is equivalent to journal impact factor ™ (Thomson Reuters) ...
Journal:Trends in Molecular Medicine ISSN: 1471-4914 5 Year impact factor: 14.5 Impact factor: 13.6 访问地址:cell.com/trends/molecul 期刊简介:《分子医学趋势》的目标是对最新研究提供简明和情境化的观点,使生物医学科学更接近于改进人类疾病的诊断、治疗和预防。因此,TMM致力于基础生物学和临床研究之间的研究...
5 Yearimpact factor: 7.3 Impact factor: 9.3 访问地址:https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/trends-in-cardiovascular-medicine/ 期刊简介:《心血管医学趋势》提供了由国际知名专家撰写和评论的心血管医学科学进展的深入最新综述。文章对一系列主题提供了权威的理解,包括临床医生和基础科学家对心脏和血管疾病的基本...