网友2:偏重的研究方向:外泌体;肿瘤标志物经验分享:速度有点慢,去年8月从cell report medicine转投过来的,一周内就送审,但是一直在找reviewer,今年2月份才回来3个reviewer的意见,两个好评,一个让上传原始组学数据,两周后修回,然后就是原则性接收,后面改格式又用了两周。总之就是比较慢,急需毕业的慎投。。。 ...
called a Report, in addition to a longer Article format. Cell Reports also publishes Resources, which highlight significant technical advances and/or major informational data sets. The professional in-house editors of Cell Reports work closely with authors, reviewers, and the journal's scientific ed...
第二梯队期刊Science的系列大子刊(Science Robotics,Science Translational Medicine ,Science Immunology 等...
Plos Biology和Plos Medicine是Plos的旗舰杂志,曾经Plos Biology有13分多,但近年来不断下跌,2019年是7.076分,2020年将基本不变。Plos Medicine还保持在10分左右,2020年也大概10分的样子。Plos的其他杂志已经降低到5分左右。因为Plos one和Scientific Report每年出刊超过1万篇,我们没有计算出影响因子,望有经验者提供指...
BMC Medicine. 2013;11:63. Article within a journal by DOI Slifka MK, Whitton JL. Clinical implications of dysregulated cytokine production. Dig J Mol Med. 2000; doi:10.1007/s801090000086. Article within a journal supplement Frumin AM, Nussbaum J, Esposito M. Functional asplenia: demonstration ...
Stem cell therapy holds the promise to treat degenerative diseases, cancer and repair of damaged tissues for which there are currently no or limited therapeutic options. The potential of stem cell therapies has long been recognised and the creation of in
Scheme of Single-Cell Analysis in Precision Medicine for Atherosclerosis. The combination of single-cell analysis, CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing, three-dimensional cell (3D cell) analysis and artificial intelligence (AI) enables in-depth exploration of tissue heterogeneity in atherosclerosis plaques, blood, ...
processes in the child with ASD that lead to that child’s clinical and neural outcomes. Thus, the prenatal and early post-natal biological bases for the striking clinical heterogeneity remain largely a mystery and controversial. Without this understanding, “precision” medicine and treatments at ...
Insights into the role of the tumor suppressor pVHL in oxygen sensing motivated the testing of drugs that target the transcription factor HIF or HIF-responsive growth factors, such as VEGF, for the treatment of cancers caused by VHL inactivation, such as
Molecular biology Molecular medicine OncologyDownload PDF Sections Figures References Abstract Introduction Materials and methods Results Discussion Conclusion Data availability References Acknowledgements Author information Ethics declarations Additional information Supplementary Information Rights and permissions About thi...