Supports open access • Open archive 16.5CiteScore 9.0Impact Factor Articles & Issues About Publish Order journal About the journal For more information go to Systemswas established in 2015 to provide a home at Cell Press for elegant work that addresses funda...
Szmyd et al. show that DNA repair pathways impact whether cells with DNA lesions arrest in mitosis. The formation of homologous recombination-driven double Holliday junctions elicits mitotic cell death and suppresses inflammatory signalling. Radoslaw Szmyd ...
FEBS Press is proud to present theNobel Prize Collection, a broad reading list of seminal papers published in our four journals in research areas that have earned the Nobel Prize in recent years. The 2025FEBS Open BioArticle Prize has now been awarded!
Therapeutic irradiation of the tumor microenvironment causes differential activation of pro-survival and pro-death pathways in malignant, stromal, endothelial and immune cells, hence causing a profound cellular and biological reconfiguration via multiple
The accurate diagnosis of small-cell lung cancer (SCLC) is crucial, as treatment strategies differ from those of other lung cancers. This systematic review aims to identify proteins differentially expressed in SCLC compared to normal lung tissue, evaluat
Impact of blueberry extract on hematological response in phenylhydrazine-induced hemolytic anemia Daniela Drosdowski, ... Alex Sander da Rosa Araujo January–March 2025View PDF Case reportOpen access STAT5B::RARα-positive acute promyelocytic leukemia: Role of next generation sequencing in detection of...
Cancer is a major public health problem worldwide with more than an estimated 19.3 million new cases in 2020. The occurrence rises dramatically with age, and the overall risk accumulation is combined with the tendency for cellular repair mechanisms to be
than production of the well-known feed ingredientC. jadinii. Further research should focus on medium optimization, development of semi-continuous and continues fermentation protocols and exploration of downstream processing methods that are beneficial for the nutritional values of the yeast for animal ...
Metabolic engineering projects often require integration of multiple genes in order to control the desired phenotype. However, this often requires iterative rounds of engineering because many current insertion approaches are limited by the size of the DN
Investigators were not blinded to allocation during experiments, but outcomes were qualitatively assessed using automated imaging protocols and software. Statistical tests are all two-sided and multiple comparison p-value corrections were applied using an FDR correction....