经过40余年的发展,Cell 出版社的编辑与全球的作者、审稿人一起,创办了一系列优秀出版物,为生物化学、遗传学、神经科学、免疫学、癌症等多个学科的研究者提供了最具全球影响力的优质内容。 近年来,Cell Press细胞出版社将其出版内容成功拓展到自然科学领域,2016...
Impact Factor: 15.584 创刊年: 1997 The American Journal of Human Genetics是Cell press与美国人类遗传学会(ASHG)合作出版的期刊,关注在结构生物学中解决基本问题的研究,如基于结构的蛋白质进化、折叠和/或设计的检查。期刊考虑任何方法、实验或计算的应用,在高或低分辨率下进行结构调查,只要该方法适用于生物、功能...
物质科学领域年度论文中,中国科学院化学研究所韩布兴和孙晓甫团队题为“Electrochemical C-C coupling between CO2and formaldehyde into ethanol”,发表于Chem Catalysis的论文,设计了一种碘掺杂的 Cu 基催化剂 Pretreated O-CuI1.3并首次报道了...
值得关注的是,中国学者在影响因子(Impact Factor,后用I)50.30分的Cancer Cell上发表的论文增幅高达160%,在One Earth、Cell Host & Microbe、Chem Catalysis等高影响力期刊上的发文量也都较上一年增加了至少1倍。 中国学者和细胞出版社的紧密合作,不仅为科学的殿堂添砖加瓦,还见证了一系列学术期刊的成长、精进与突...
旗下期刊《Immunity》的Impact Factor也跳升至21.522。自1974年以来Cell Press在整个生命科学研究发布居於世界领先的地位。自80年代后期推出Neuron期刊开始,Cell Press即以Cell 期刊的质量和影响力为出版标准,陆续推出其他期刊以满足日益增加的研究需求。2016年Cell 创立化学旗舰期刊《Chem》,2017年创立能源旗舰期刊《Joule...
Matter是Cell Press细胞出版社在材料化学领域,继Chem和Joule之后又一本大力打造的王牌期刊。值得注意的是,很多人以为Matter、Joule和Chem是Cell的子刊,其实不然。因为根据官方定位,这三本其实是Cell的姊妹刊。 但是从另一方面来说,Cell一直和Nature、Science并称,但Matter、Joule和Chem显然达不到这样的高度,因此其最终...
For example, although antibody-secreting plasma cells are thought to have a negative pathogenic role in autoimmune disease, BCDT, even when it controls the disease, has limited impact on these cells and on antibody levels. In this Review, we update our understanding of B cell biology, review ...
A. Induction of the heat shock pathway during hypoxia requires regulation of heat shock factor by hypoxia-inducible factor-1. J. Biol. Chem. 281, 38675–38681 (2006). Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Facciabene, A. et al. Tumour hypoxia promotes tolerance and angiogenesis via CCL28 and ...
United Nation Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG). As the premier journal of Cell Press as well as Cell, Chem is devoted to contribute positive impact of chemistry on society and targeting to be one of the leading journals in Chemistry. The impact factor of Chem released in June 2020 is ...
(in the press). Derosa, L. et al. Microbiota-centered interventions: the next breakthrough in immuno-oncology. Cancer Discov. 11, 2396–2412 (2021). Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Hagan, T. et al. Antibiotics-driven gut microbiome perturbation alters immunity to vaccines in humans. Cel...