The immune system protects the host through a coordinated response of innate and adaptive immune cells. Defining each of these subsets can be a daunting task. Bio-Techne is here to help you visualize human immune cell subsets of interest with our Cell Markers Guide for Human Immune Cell Charact...
This interactive guide shows the key cell and functional state markers for tumor-infiltrating immune cells in humans.Web Location: Immunology and Inflammation
Human Immune Cell Marker Guide for IHC This guide elucidates key cell and functional state markers for immune cells in humans, optimized for immunohistochemistry. Mouse Immune Cell Marker Guide for IHC This guide shows the key cell and functional state markers for immune cells in mice, like CD86...
Choose a cell type or use the search bar to easily match markers to specific immune cells and find antibodies for your chosen markers. Select your cell type Hematopoietic Stem Cell 2 Common Myeloid Precursor 3 Common Lymphoid Precursor 5
维生素C(Vitamin C,vitC)对人类健康的维护至关重要,其发现历程可以追溯到 17 世纪欧洲的大航海时代,由于长期海航途中缺乏蔬菜和水果,导致大量船员患上了“坏血病”,直到罐头的发明,这一问题才得到有效缓解。 维生素C 对于人体健康来说至...
近日,上海市皮肤病医院/同济大学附属皮肤病医院史玉玲教授团队在Cellular & Molecular Immunology上以论著形式发表题为The AhR-Ovol1-Id1 regulatory axis in keratinocytes promotes epidermal and immune homeostasis in atopic dermatitis-like...
Invitrogen Immune Cell Guide The Invitrogen Immune Cell Guide provides detailed marker information for immune cell types and subtypes. Find information on: Key markers for specific immune cell subtypes CD and non-CD markers for both human and mouse...
今天为大家介绍的是来自瑞士的博特纳免疫工程研究所Sai T. Reddy团队的一篇论文。免疫系统中最重要的防御武器是免疫受体,其中包括B细胞受体(BCR)、它们分泌的抗体,以及T细胞受体(TCR)。这些免疫受体就像是免疫系统的“智能雷达”,能够精确识别和对抗入侵者。它们最神奇的特点是拥有一个高度灵活的识别区域,可以通过改变自...
Immune Cell Markers Cell markers identify a specific immune cell population. Cell markers identify a specific immune cell population. Here are lists of the cell markers used in immunology. Reference
一种称为Zman-seq的新方法揭示了细胞的历史,并可能推动癌症和其他疾病的新疗法的发展。Weizmann科学研究所Ido Amit实验室的研究人员报告称,他们首次成功开发出一种方法,可以跟踪和测量体内单个细胞随时间的变化。 这项新研究发表在《Cell》杂志上的一篇题为“Time-resolved single-cell transcriptomics defines immune ...