Yet, cell-free DNA (cfDNA) analysis in healthy individuals comes with substantial challenges such as the lack of large cohort studies addressing the impact of mutations in healthy individuals or the low abundance of cfDNA in plasma. In this study, we aimed to investigate the technical feasibility...
Circulating cell-free DNA (cfDNA) and the tumour-derived DNA fraction, circulating tumour DNA (ctDNA), can be analysed in the context of a liquid biopsy (LB). Analysis of cfDNA is becoming an important aid in the prognosis, identification of specific genomic alterations, selection of targeted ...
Yet, cell-free DNA (cfDNA) analysis in healthy individuals comes with substantial challenges such as the lack of large cohort studies addressing the impact of mutations in healthy individuals or the low abundance of cfDNA in plasma. In this study, we aimed to investigate the technical feasibility...
细胞游离DNA(cell-free DNA,cfDNA)是从细胞释放到体循环中的DNA片段,cfDNA存在于各种体液中,随组织损伤、癌症和炎症反应等发生浓度变化。生理情况下,血液中的cfDNA主要来源于人体白细胞的坏死和凋亡,而在某些疾病及特殊状态下,其他细胞也会释放游离DNA进入血液中,包括源于肿瘤细胞的循环肿瘤DNA。 图源:文献 由于cfDNA...
Cell-free DNA in a blood sample and organ-associated sample can both be analyzed to identify chromosomal regions exhibiting a copy number aberration.Yuk-Ming Dennis LoRossa Wai Kwun ChiuKwan Chee ChanPeiyong JiangHua Tse Timothy Cheng
cfDNA是细胞外游离DNA(cell-free DNA)的缩写,是指在血液、尿液等体液中存在的游离的DNA片段。这些DNA片段来自于细胞的凋亡或坏死过程中释放出来的细胞核DNA,也可以来自胎盘、肿瘤等组织。每个cfDNA片段都带有其来源细胞的分子特征,如DNA甲基化状态、末端碱基motif、片段长度等,这些特征对疾病诊断或许存在潜在意义。
游离DNA(cell-free DNA,简称cfDNA)指的是存在于循环系统中的细胞外DNA,通常来源于细胞死亡所释放的染色质片段【1-3】。绘制游离DNA图谱通常应用于检测器官移植时的组织排斥情况、胎儿染色体畸变以及早期肿瘤诊断【4-10】。尽管如此,即使是来源于病程较长、突变位点较多的肿瘤细胞,绝大多数游离DNA也均是正常的。检测...
创新点:本研究首次在大规模数据集上系统性地评估了10种cell-free DNA(cfDNA)片段模式,用于癌症检测,全面分析了其诊断潜力和局限性,为未来片段模式的开发提供了参考。同时,提出了一种集成方法,将多种片段模式的优势结合起来,显著提高了癌症检测的性能,且在鉴定癌症的原发组织方面具有较高的准确性,推动了非侵入性癌症...
如果要实现 cfDNA 分析的有效临床整合,需要仔细了解这种 方法的优点和局限性,以正确解释结果,用于指导临床决策。 Snyder M W, Kircher M, Hill A J, et al. Cell-free DNA comprises an in vivo nucleosome footprint that informs its tissues-oforigin[J]. Cell, 2016, 164(1-2):57....
2019 Analysis of Plasma Cell-Free DNA by Ultradeep Sequencing in Patients With Stages I to III Colorectal Cancer Thomas Reinert, PhD1; Tenna Vesterman Henriksen, MSc1; Emil Christensen, PhD1; et al Shruti Sharma, PhD2; Raheleh Salari, PhD2; Himanshu Sethi, MPH2; Michael Knudsen, PhD1; ...