2018年7月26 日,中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所田烨研究组与美国加州大学伯克利分校Andrew Dillin教授合作在Cell在线发表了题为Mitochondrial unfolded protein response is mediated cell-non-autonomously by retromer-dependent Wnt signaling的文章。该研究发现,发育调控的重要因子Wnt参与介导神经细胞到肠道细胞之间线粒...
Osteoarthritis is a common, yet untreatable, joint disease associated with high Wnt signaling, but how Wnt causes joint destruction is unknown. Here, the authors show that Wnt induces IGF1 which leads to joint damage, and targeting this mechanism offers a potential therapeutic opportunity in osteoar...
(3) When β-catenin is phosphorylated on specifc tyrosine residues, it dissociates rom E-cadherin and becomes part o a soluble cytoplasmic pool where it is targeted or degradation by the APC/Axin/GSK3β complex. Wnt signaling inhibits β-catenin degradation, which allows β-catenin to ...
Nusse R. Wnt signaling and stem cell control. Cell Res 2008;18:523-7.Nusse, R. Wnt signaling and stem cell control. Cell Res 18, 523, 2008.Nusse R, Fuerer C, Ching W, Harnish K, Logan C, Zeng A, et al. Wnt signaling and stem cell control. Cold Spring Harb Symp Quant Biol....
2023年10月17日,德克萨斯大学西南医学中心李晓淳实验室在Cell期刊发表了题为:Molecular basis of Wnt biogenesis, secretion and Wnt7 specific signaling 的研究论文【2】。 该研究以Wnt7a的合成、分泌和激活入手,阐释了脂修饰的Wnt蛋白是如何在ER中完成由PORCN向WLS的转移,WLS如何在细胞表面释放Wnt,以及中枢神经中...
科学家们发现,操纵Wnt/B-catenin信号通路,可以抑制多余的毛发生长和皮肤癌,或者对脱发进行治疗。研究指出,激活Wnt/B-catenin通路可以刺激休眠毛囊长出毛发,而阻断该通路能够阻止多余的毛发生长。 生物通报道:科学家们发现,操纵Wnt/B-catenin信号通路,可以抑制多余的毛发生长和皮肤癌,或者对脱发进行治疗。
Wnt-regulated signal transduction from cell surface receptors, signaling endosomes and/or extracellular vesicles has the potential to profoundly influence cell movement, matrix degradation and paracrine signaling in both development and disease. 展开 关键词: Wnts cell motility cell invasion cancer ...
Physical Properties of Intestinal Cells Correlate with Wnt/b-Catenin Signaling in Crypts肠道细胞的物理特性与隐窝中的 Wnt/b-Catenin 信号传导相关 Lgr5,被称为 Wnt/b-catenin 通路的靶基因 (Barker et al., 2007),控制肠上皮和...
266 Studies in the neuronal system have indicated that Wnt signaling may be important for increasing Atoh1 expression. Overexpression of β-catenin in neural progenitor cells increased the activity of a GFP reporter under the control of an Atoh1 enhancer,267 and hyperactive Wnt signaling in lung ...