这些特征/标志包括:基因组不稳定性(genomic instability)、端粒损耗(telomere attrition)、表观遗传学改变(epigenetic alterations)、蛋白质稳态丧失(loss of proteostasis)、营养感应失调(deregulated nutrient-sensing)、线粒体功能障碍(mitochondrial dysfunction)、细胞衰老(cellular senescence)、干细胞耗竭(stem cell exhaust...
相分离具体的作用可以参考另一篇由Hyman以及Michael Rosen执笔的发表在Nature reviews molecular cell biocology上的题为Biomolecular condensates: organizers of cellular biochemistry的文章,这篇文章更加系统的介绍了相分离的原理,以及其目前所报道的生物学功能【2】。另外,Simon Alberti等人在2018年,发表了另一篇题为A U...
这些特征/标志包括:基因组不稳定性(genomic instability)、端粒损耗(telomere attrition)、表观遗传学改变(epigenetic alterations)、蛋白质稳态丧失(loss of proteostasis)、营养感应失调(deregulated nutrient-sensing)、线粒体功能障碍(mitochondrial dysfunction)、细胞衰老(cellular senescence)、干细胞耗竭(stem cell exhaust...
Trumpp, A.,and Haas, S. (2020). Combined single-cell and spatial transcriptomics reveal the molecular, cellular and spatial bone marrow niche organization.Nat. Cell Biol.22, 38-48. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41556-019
[8] SIMPLE: a sequential immunoperoxidase labeling and erasing method. J. Histochem. Cytochem. 57, 899–905. [9] Multiplexed protein maps link subcellular organization to cellular states. Science 1979, 361. [10] IBEX: a versatile multiplex optical imaging approach for deep phenotyping and spatia...
Cell organization and cell reproduction both are very important role in cell cycle. cell cycle are regulated by fused of each phase of cell cycle.Dharmesh SisodiyaK. DashoraSisodiya, D., Dashora, K., and Pandey, P. (2012) Cellular organization and cell reproduction. IJAPBC 1, 138 -150...
Tissue and Cellis devoted to original research on the organization ofcells, subcellularandextracellular componentsat all levels, including the grouping and interrelations of cells intissuesandorgans. The journal encourages submission of ultrastructural studies that provide novel insights … ...
Cellular taxonomy and spatial organization of the murine ventral posterior hypothalamus. 2020.10.29, DOI: 10.7554/eLife.58901. 研究文章;小鼠,下丘脑,神经元细胞,scRNA-seq; Laura E Mickelsen, William F Flynn, Paul Robson, Alexander C Jackson; University of Connecticut; USA....
The meaning of CELL is a single room (as in a convent or prison) usually for one person. How to use cell in a sentence.
这篇文章是继Zipursky和Trachtenberg labs于2020年10月在Neuron发表的题为Vision Changes the Cellular Composition of Binocular Circuitry during the Critical Period(详见BioArt报道:Neuron | 谭力铭等利用双光子追踪成像揭示关键期经历调控视觉皮层功能成熟的机制)【6】以及2021年8月在Current Biology发表的题为Vision ...