The dew heater ate up a lot of the amps however and significantly reduced performance time so it would probably pay to have a controller in the loop. The power tank capacity seemed to improve after several uses so maybe there's an element of charge cycle top up over time. An expensive ...
Celestron 11 Dew heater questionPitter
You must have one of those custom "heated" Non-heater dew shields... Cause on my non-heated dew shield, I can't "let the Dew Heater run" ... Sure you can ... you take the dew shield off and cap the scope which as Mike said you can't do if you've bought the combination he...
regarding the possible connection of a dew heater with USB (5V) a had a quick chat with Tech2000 (makers of the Zap-On dew heaters without cable:, because I really would like to go without any other power source. Here is what he said: Yes I t...