打开链接后的界面见下图 网站根据单词在CEFR中的等级分别制作了不同的pdf,比如,我只想学“a”的A1/A2/C2级含义和用法,那么只用看相应的“Level XX Word List”,如果想学"a"从A1到C2的所有含义及用法,可以看“A1-C2”,其它同理。 文档内容如下 A1 A1-C2 2022.11.30 更新 收到一些私信,因为各种原因需要ex...
网站根据单词在CEFR中的等级分别制作了不同的pdf,比如,我只想学“a”的A1/A2/C2级含义和用法,那么只用看相应的“Level XX Word List”,如果想学"a"从A1到C2的所有含义及用法,可以看“A1-C2”,其它同理。 文档内容如下 A1 A1-C2 2022.11.30 更新 收到一些私信,因为各种原因需要excel版。 我在石墨文档添...
© Oxford University Press 1 / 8T h e Oxford 5000™ by CEFR levelThe Oxford 5000 is an expanded core word list for advanced learners of English. As well as the Oxford 3000, it includes an additional 2000 words for learners at B2-C1 level, which are listed here.B2absorb v.abstract...
Base WordGuidewordLevelTopic animalNOT A HUMANA1animals birdA1animals catA1animals cowA1animals dogA1animals fishANIMALA1animals horseA1animals petA1animals pigA1animals sheepA1animals zooA1animals babyANIMALA2animals bearA2animals chickenBIRDA2animals dinosaurA2animals duckA2animals elephantA2animals insectA...
Base WordGuidewordLevelTopic barkDOGB2animals breedKEEP ANIMALSB2animals nestC2animals actPERFORMB1arts and media advertiseTRY TO SELLB1arts and media publishB1arts and media setSTORY/FILMB1arts and media starB1arts and media broadcastB2arts and media ...
perl-WordList-EN-Common-EF-Top3000 :(无描述) 上传者:weixin_42121086时间:2021-02-17 PTE-Home-Test-Taker-Handbook-April-2024-V5 PTE_Home_Test_Taker_Handbook_April_2024_V5 上传者:luashin时间:2024-05-19 论文研究 - 使用新的HSK考试来评估学生在澳大利亚高等中文课程中的学习成绩 ...
The Oxford 5000™ by CEFR level The Oxford 5000 is an expanded core word list for advanced learners of English. As well as the Oxford 3000, it includes an additional 2000 words for learners at B2-C1 level, which are listed here. beneficial adj. conservation n. distinct adj. B2 beside ...
Measures and datasets used in the analysis include standard readability measures, the British National Corpus, the Corpus of Contemporary American English, English Vocabulary profile, the Academic Word List, and a bespoke corpus of metadiscourse markers. The purpose of the research is to enhance the ...
determine the approximate level of proficiency that the text is suitable for generate a suggested vocabulary list compare the difficulty levels of two texts get meanings for the suggested vocabulary list (via ninjawords.com) How to use the Text Analyzer ...
A multiple regression model controlling for other known or potential factors affecting interest: corpus frequency, polysemy, word prevalence, and age of acquisition confirmed that lower CEFR levels attract significantly more views even after taking into account the other predictors. These findings high...